
Potential misscarriage

Oh God, there's much we do not understand.

The jobs you give to us are worth our lives.

Here we are given hope when you command.

And we trust that you must know when arrives

the end we hoped for, in an ordered world,

we're not capricious just because we hope,

but you know hope, against  hopelessness curled

around a heart, and on a slippery slope.

Our prayers for both these two and Embryo,

are for their health and thriving at this stage,

there's still so much that we don't really know,

we pray for grace as turns each daily page.

And too capacity to thank, not blame.

To see the good that is, and be at peace,

to help the goodness thrive, and cover shame,

while grateful for each good that's been released.

But you, Lord Jesus, helped a very lot

ol' Jairus and his missus, and their girl.

And your own daughter whose suff'ring had got

her ready to tell all - her faith unfurled.

We hear as well, your words: "Blest those who mourne -

-For they shall be comfort-ed", & we know

that your big view encompasses a dawn

on cloudy skies, as well as clear, all though

this doesn't stop us asking from our hearts,

and trusting you no matter what folk say.

Please help these two beloved now to start

some fam'ly as they're trying to obey!

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