
Birthday boy

Gil's one more year
older today;
his birthday's here!
Hip, hip, hooray!

Not sure why "hip"s -
not joined there yet,
maybe at lips? -
for they have set

dates for the day
they cease to be
a fiance`
and fiancee.

Never did Gil,
as fiance`,
have or fulfil
August's birthday

but here it is!
His elations,
shared with that Miss.

Hope your day's been
lovely, for you
are loved, you've seen
I hope. It's true!

Love XO your Dad.


what knot

Points to the Way forward...

The things I want to point out here,
make mental note of, celebrate,
are some that have become quite dear
to beauty Vick., and Wayne ol' mate.

  • One is saying “Yes”to true Love
and its reflections 'round, that dance
see it as special; “from above”,
let it take root, grow with a chance.

  • Two says “No”, to other lovers,
who call for your affections too,
even if another shov-es
in, & then throws themself on you!

  • The Third is “More 'Yes', & more 'No'”;
'Yes' let's love's roots go deeper still
its integrating force will show.
'No' let's competitors' love spill.

Even when the competition
comes from myself, this is the point
habits that limit love's mission
must get their NOs – put out of joint!

Then one day comes, you realize
the best gift ain't just “points addressed”
you have to open up your eyes
and give yourself, and be possessed!

Like this-here young wed-ding-marriage
the real wedding-gift ain't just room,
or house, presents, Kia-carriage,
cause it's themselves, it's Bride & Groom!



teacher's tough term towards ... crucifiction, maturity and completeness..

Go well dear daughter,
last day tomorrow,
this term you've fought a
battle, and sorrow/

grief's made aquaintance
with you God's daught-y,
don't think it's just chance
or you've been naughty.

This is for growing,
this is Christ's own Way,
trials bring knowing
and loving to stay.

Cry when you feel to
pour/pump from your heart,
to who can save you,
who's set you apart

for a grand love-job
you have responded
Don't stop till the job
leaves old Hun quite dead.


won't make it today (to that lunch-time mtg)..

(got a cold, & coughing in cool air)

God give grace
to all them
at that place,
'n' me with phlegm.


The most important Way forward in this life..

In this life i have three things that help me to rise above all situations and will last forever- faith, hope, and love -- and the greatest of these is love. 1Corinthians 13:13, (PM Version)

The Love of Yah-
-Way to go-oo!


Did you get my letter - that not all is "better"?

I did, and we read it
last night, with your Mum
n R-bell, we spread it
n listened quite "dumb".

So thankU my daughter,
you make my heart glad
of your love, I oughta
say "You're like your Dad",

not in everything though,
lucky thing for you,
for your beard doesn't grow
(but other things do!)

Well, say that to a nurse,
they'll smile and they'll wink.
But we'll get past this curse,
only just a blink..

.. we'll look past this body
and on to the next
one that's not so shody,
& not eas'ly vexed....


R-bell 'n' me, learn creativity, prayer n humility...

When humbly we learn;
Creator (in turn)
with creativity
comes to live in me.

When humbly we pray,
starts to grow that same
kind of attitude
as God has. Not rude

power from above,
but because of love.
God could spend all time
frustrated while I'm

slow to change and grow
but instead he's slow
to anger, and de-
-lighted at tiny

steps we take in love,
doesn't push and shove
'cept like hand in glove,
comes as peaceful dove.

When humbly we stay
with God in the way,
not doing for pay
but to give away,

then the Holy Ghost
seems to fall the most
& he helps me be,
as well as to see.


Daughter asks us to pray,..

Dear God, we love you.
We're glad you know too:
we are but dirt, few
Elements go to

make us from your dust,
as well as your breath
which grows in us trust,
& saves us from death.

Please smile ('stead of frown)
on Hanni, as she
feels down in that town.
Help her better see.



happy (slightly belated) birthday Mate!

May it mark one of many more
where you grow on to what before
was in the mind of your father
God the maker of our laughter;
well, the sense of humour in us,
honour, and glory, to win us.
Be happy with those baby steps,
to weep (and walk) as Jesus wept.
And then, there's no denying it,
you will become, as Jesus did,
mature, and learn through suffering,
some things go slow (like buffering).
We don't have to knot our nickers,
or resort to snarls & snickers,
but can, like those little children,
cry, and smile "thanks", when he filled 'em.


Those who wait on the Lord (of Love) for strength...

I wait on The Lord for He renews my strength. I will fly with wings like eagles. I will run and not be weary, I will walk and not faint. ISAIAH 40:31 (PM Version)

Well here I am
lying in bed

Body affected
by virus and cold.
When resurrected
It'll be strong 'n' bold.
Now weak 'n' shuffling,
It needs to be told
(even while snuff'ling)
to Wait on the Lord.

Now I see, waiting
means Time spent without,
but hope not abating
it can't whine, or pout,

it learns patience
reliance on God,
through waiting minutes
till comes his nod.

What when it's hours?
or weeks, or months more?
Know that Love cowers
not, for what's in store,

but love is patient.
God grow this in me.
I am your patient;
my doctor, you see

what's necessary,
right now for me,
back then for Mary,
Doctor's orders "Three..

..or more times a day
listen at his feet
"Waste of time?" you say?
Waiting time, is sweet.

God we love you, so
whatever you let
come to us (like Job)
we'll trust you. And bet ..

.. you're working goodness
greater than before
to come through all this.
"Makes" us love you more!
