
more precious than gold..

Be truly glad!!! There is wonderful joy ahead. Even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials prove that your faith is genuine, being refined by fire, your faith is more precious than gold. So when your faith remains strong through these trials, it will bring you much praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. 1 Peter 1:6-7 (PM Version)

Wow, what a way to "store
up treasure in heaven"
Oh, that we won't ignore
Jesus' hints, and warnin'.

"Refined Faith" more precious
than gold which is en-fired:
How can we take measures
to not grow "old & tired"

so to speak, in what counts,
unless it is like wine-
maturity will bounce,
infected over time;

or the kind of love which,
even when it's tired,
settles, and becomes rich,
determined, and inspired!

God, your good infection
we want to grow in us,
that Christ's resurrection
come after our own crux

-of-the-matter which seems
to be as Jesus said
his kind of "raised up" deems
that we must have been dead!

- and buried (that's baptism).
Oh thank you God you've sealed
us with His spirit, his
motivation and shield.



a parting gift

So Jesus said "I'm leaving you with a...
a gift, or presents - of mind, that is peace.
A piece of my mind and my heart, to stay...
My Shalom will bring flourishing release.

For it brings with it thriving everywhere,
in every aspect of your life and love.
The world can't give this kind of peace - it's fair
to say; for it comes down from up above.

It comes down to my children as a gift.
So do not let your hearts be troubled now
or in the future, let my peace en-lift
your being, don't give-in to fear somehow!


Jesus said "I am leaving you with a gift, peace of mind and heart. The peace I give is a gift the world can't give. So do not let your hearts be troubled and do no be afraid. John 14:27 (PM Version)


beginning, middle, & ...

So I am bold & confident of this,
that He who has BEGUN his work (sufficed
to say) CONTINUING what is his biz-
ness, will COMPLETE it 'til the day of Christ.

I am confident of this, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Phillipians 1:6 (PM Version)


pow'r of my own pow'r

We'll don't you know who made it - everything(!)?
And ha'en't you heard of him? For he's the Boss!
And he does not need feeding or wat'ring -
God lives forever, made Time, & the lot.

Created everything on earth, he did,
and won't become all tired, or get worn out.
His understanding will always be hid-
den from us, we don't get what he's about!

For like those small electrons in their shells
-as soon as you know "where" it is, it's not!
And when we understand the sights and smells
of what God's doing, that's 'cause he's worked lots

to help us understand & gain insight, 
he will not be controlling - God is love!
God gives imaginations to set right
& help us think more truer - from above.

For no-one ever got more strength from food
& rest (just like Elijah did), without
it coming from the God who made all good,
all ecosystems, energies about.

When weak folk get more pow'r - from where's it come?
Creator of all earth & sky & seas -
he never grows weak, weary, and his un-
derstanding none can fathom for just he's

the Lord who is the everlasting one!
Who trusts in him are strengthened to their peak:
they'll fly as high as eagles in the sun,
they'll run and not tire, walk and not grow weak.


The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Isaiah 40:28-29. (PM Version)

Don't you know who made everything? Haven't you heard about him? The Lord is the God who lives forever. He created everything on earth. He won't become worn out or get tired. No one will ever know how great his understanding is. He gives strength to those who are tired. He gives power to those who are weak. Even young people become worn out and get tired. Even the best of them trip and fall. But those who trust in the Lord will receive new strength. They will fly as high as eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not grow weak.
Isaiah 40:28‭-‬31 NIRV


God takes our mis-takes. The first "take" with God, pips the 100th without him!

Well God's command was decimate, destroy! -
all of those people in the country where
they were to go, to the last girl and boy,
but he makes ways to include those who care,

who still persist when everything is stopped.
He seems to love the faith that this then shows.
He'll change his mind, & open options cropped
out of the picture till then. Sure, he knows!

- (but doesn't give a damn that he looks bad
to literalistic people who look on),
he loves those folk as though he was their Dad,
he'll glory over them in dance & song!

I'm thinking of that Caananite, Rahab,
who then became the "G-Grand-Mother" of Christ,
or else that other Caananite who had
the little girl, whose love was not enticed

to give up, when he said it was not right.
Then too there were those Gibeonite folk,
who tried to trick, & didn't want to die
today, & yet would serve as slaves - no joke!

And somehow as they tried, they did succeed.
Then God worked with them, & protected them.
It seems he wants to grow faith like a seed...
And then that time when Mary said to men

& women servants "Just do what he says",
that's after he said "My time is not yet":
The times had changed, or God's mind - for he cares.
And if Love did exist, that's what you'd get!



The Lord is on about relationship
- a growing, breathing, living, kind of thing -
not mechanistic, his relations pip
the static kind, for his have life that sings.

Well God's relations are his own children
(and not the maths relations "A+B"),
and they are understood through history when
their interchanges are told in stor-y!

So when you wandered desert-side for years
while looking for a good place where you'd live,
half-starved and parched with thirst, on brink of tears,
your lives exhausted, not quite exhaust-ive!

Then, in your desperation you relate
to God, & he gets to you just in time; 
he puts your feet on roads that take you straight
to a good place to live. You call God "Mine",

"My Father and my God", & now you thank 
this God - his marvelous love, and provision
are better than when you trust in a bank:
his mercy gives both hearing and vision.

He pours great draughts of water down parched throats; 
the starved and hungry get more than enough.
I'll tell you where we got these jumpers, coats..
and stories of his help when things were rough.. .

Of course we felt quite hungry & thirsty -
that's not a problem, s'far as I can tell,
& other times were dark, our skins bursting...
What an adventure! - He does all things well!


The Lord satisfies the thirsty, and fills the hungry soul with good things. Psalm 107:9 (PM Version)

Some of you wandered for years in the desert, looking but not finding a good place to live, Half-starved and parched with thirst, staggering and stumbling, on the brink of exhaustion. Then, in your desperate condition, you called out to God . He got you out in the nick of time; He put your feet on a wonderful road that took you straight to a good place to live. So thank God for his marvelous love, for his miracle mercy to the children he loves. He poured great draughts of water down parched throats; the starved and hungry got plenty to eat.  Psalm 107:4‭-‬9 MSG

Jesus responded, “Who do you think are my mother and brothers?” Looking around, taking in everyone seated around him, he said, “Right here, right in front of you—my mother and my brothers. Obedience is thicker than blood. The person who obeys God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”
Mark 3:33‭-‬35 MSG  http://bible.com/97/mrk.3.33-35.MSG


.. & bodies full-filled

Give thanks in every situation, for
the plan for you is to grow up like God
who is your Father (& Mother, what's more)
and he conceived this Way that you'll have trod,

when you have grown, so that you'll be like him
who took what he then had & looked to hea'en;
his thanking seemed to let the food flood in,
his faith the conduit through which it was gi'en.

God's will for you in Christ: to be that kind
of person, with the kindness of Jesus - 
who'd want to feed the people (not just find
a way to get rid of them to ease us),

to be a person glad of what they've got
from God's good hand, expectant of good things,
& joining with his "magic" in a shot;
this stepping forward starts with thanksgivings.


Give thanks in every situation, for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus. Thessalonians 5:18 (PM Version)

When Jesus came ashore, he saw a large crowd. He felt deep concern for them. He healed their sick people. When it was almost evening, the disciples came to him. "There is nothing here," they said. "It's already getting late. Send the crowds away. They can go and buy some food in the villages." Jesus replied, "They don't need to go away. You give them something to eat." "We have only five loaves of bread and two fish," they answered. "Bring them here to me," he said. Then Jesus directed the people to sit down on the grass. He took the five loaves and the two fish. He looked up to heaven and gave thanks. He broke the loaves into pieces. Then he gave them to the disciples. And the disciples gave them to the people. All of them ate and were satisfied. The disciples picked up 12 baskets of leftover pieces. The number of men who ate was about 5,000. Women and children also ate. Matthew 14:14‭-‬21 NIRV 


destinies full-filled..

As he walked along he saw Levi, son of Alphaeus. Levi was sitting at the tax collector's booth. "Follow me," Jesus told him. Levi got up and followed him. Some teachers of the law who were Pharisees were there. They saw Jesus eating with "sinners" and tax collectors. So they asked his disciples, "Why does he eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?" Jesus heard that. So he said to them, "Those who are healthy don't need a doctor. Sick people do. I have not come to callt those who think they are right with God to follow me. I have come to call sinners to follow me." Mark 2:14‭, ‬16‭-‬17 NIRV etc  http://bible.com/110/mrk.2.14-17.NIRV

A Levite set apart by God to lead
God's people in responses to his care,
had been recruited by Romans who'd feed
his fam'ly (with no land to have a share).

But then one day a Rabbi who knew God
walked past him, & then said "Come follow me";
& Levi saw his chance, so off he trod
for this fulfilled his fam'ly destiny

as well as what he longed for but could not
have in the present structure 'cause he'd "sinned"
each time he broke their fake rules and would not
go to the "sinner-gog" 'cause he was "binned".

When teachers of the law (some Pharisees)
saw Jesus eating with this Levi's mates -
all tax collectors, "sinners" if you please!
[This seems to go against what Psalm One states - 

which by the way is not all bad you know*,
there's just some other stuff to learn - as well;
but they would not be taught by one so low
& younger than them (- rather go to hell)! ]

So Jesus said to them, "Those who have health
don't think they need a doctor; sick folk do!
And I have not come for those who have weath
of spirit, but who are like sick (as you?).

Then when that "Levi" followed what Christ did,
(as well as where he went), one day Christ says
(as looked he at Levi and mates), "Here hid-
den IN who does Godʼs will, are my brothers"

* “Do not be misled:'Bad company corrupts good character.' " 1Cor 15:33

Jesus responded, “Who do you think are my mother and brothers?” Looking around, taking in everyone seated around him, he said, “Right here, right in front of you—my mother and my brothers. Obedience is thicker than blood. The person who does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.” Mark 3:33‭-‬35 MSG etc


new babe

We just heard from young Carmel Follent that
your fam'ly has just had a baby girl!
We hope that both are well, & even fat,
with energy that shows love to the world.

P & K Walker

A mate is off to speak at a children's program at a conference.

Go well this week-end,
following Jesus
who welcomed children
and who now sees us.

Oh God, please save us
from adult-ery:
those who behave as
we're all grown, you see!

When in fact we're not;
you are Our Daddy,
we need you a lot,
c' we be your caddy?



God's people release... his love, joy, & peace...

My people, whom I made from scattered dust
who have my image in them - they are mine -
who share my flesh and blood (you get my thrust?),
who learned their names from me, that they might shine..

if they would want to hear my point of view
or share some joy of life with their parent
or even ask for help in learning new
things, overcoming obstacles apparent..

if only they'd be "in need" of pu-re
counsel, and then know their need was true
(they'd have to think that they were immature,
or lacked something, or needed help to do

a needful thing). If they would humble them-,
themselves and pray and seek my face, & wheel -
turn from their wicked ways - then I would (when
I hear from heaven) them forgive, and heal

their land, their bodies, & their "body"-
their nation, & their whole society,
their culture and their clans, & fa-mi-ly -
my healing presence in them would break free.

And so we say "The Lord is good to those
whose hope is in Him, to the one that seeks
not only his good gifts (they could dispose
of them), they want him-self - & any peeks

they can get of him. They go for the core.
The Joy that is the Lord's becomes their strength!
He is their shepherd! - what do they need more?
His Peace & Love remain, will rule, at length!


If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land. 2Chronicles 7:14 (PM Version)

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one that seeks Him. Lamentations 3:25 (PM Version)

The Joy of the Lord is our strength!! Nehemiah 8:10 (PM Version)



off at training, not complaining..

Love you my lady,
& hope that you "blessed"
by Christ's tall shady
tree, & by his nest,

will live in his love
by praying in his
spirit from above
in which he washes.

Love you my lady,
& hope that you "blessed"
became a shady
tree to whom behest

by his good spirit
comes into your life,
whether they hear it
or know it. Good wife!


author claims to learn from folk... who're his fiction... 'sthis a joke?

Hmmm. Yes, now I see.
Beautiful, that is.
Same here too for me,
when I do "business".

Thank you God for you.
Your topsy-turvy Way:
teaching adults through
children, who display...

, & authors through their
characters they made.
Help us to beware
of what does disuade

us from listening
& then hearing well,
so understanding
grows as actions tell

whose we are in fact,
despite what we say.
Here we want to pact
to respond, display

your humility
that goes the lowest.
O God you are free,
& your Holy Ghost...

who washes us up
makes us clean & bright,
help us drink the cup
you give us tonight.



the goal you commit to, .......... the parent who forms you

Commit your way and everything you do
and what you say, your choices, so that's "you" -
all fully to the Lord of all the Earth;
So trust in who is God - who else is worth

your full on rest, and hope for futures yet?
(For you can test,
see if he's worth your bet!)
And if you do this, He shall bring to pass..
he'll do that which won't leave you on your arse..

in fact he will help, also go on to
"re-make" you 'til you shine with sun in you,
with the nature of the God who's steady.
He don't hate ya, loves "heals over heady"!


Commit everything you do to The Lord, Trust Him, and He shall bring to pass. Psalm 37:5 (PM Version)

Commit your way to the Lord ; trust in him and he will do this: he will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.
Psalm 37:5‭-‬6 NIVUK  http://bible.com/113/psa.37.5-6.NIVUK

Give yourself to the Lord; trust in him, and he will help you; he will make your righteousness shine like the noonday sun.
Ps 37:5‭-‬6 GNT  http://bible.com/68/psa.37.5-6.GNT


growing love - faithful, .......... first to God with all .......... heart, soul, strength & mind ... then to those we find..

Oh God, you've helped us now to clarify
important things as Matt & Paul have talked:
when people trust you, and their need is high -
they're almost desparate, and they haven't baulked,

that's when your pow'r is freed to do it's thing
& Matt saw that at places overseas,
& Paul thinks now of mates who try to bring
their paralytic friend, but not with ease

to Jesus; or that foreign (loving) mum
who came to Jesus'group & begged his help,
who would "war on", & not "be overcome",
that's even when she's painted as a whelp*.

And added to that there's the parable
of blokes with different gifts, when their boss went,
and asked them to plant seeds in arable
good soil to multiply his in-vest-ment!

To whom much has been given much is now
required, & in the West we must admit
that we've received much, so that means somehow
that more will be expected, & that's it!

So now the onus is on us to trust
the Master's judgement, & then get to work
in doing all our thinking, & have sussed
out all our options, so as not to shirk,

but recognize his healing & his pow'r
in situations "not so glamorous",
& this is now our place & now our hour
(& oh, Matt has intentions amorous).

Paul Walker & Matt Walls 17 June 2017 pm.

God is with us..

The Lord your God is with you!! He will fight for you against your enemies, and He will give you victory. Deuteronomy 20:4 (PM Version)

What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him? And what other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today? Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely..
Deuteronomy 4:7‭-‬8 NIVUK

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. He will be eating curds and honey when he knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, for before the boy knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, the land of the two kings you dread will be laid waste.
Isaiah 7:14‭-‬16 NIVUK

The Lord spoke to me again: ‘Because this people has rejected the gently flowing waters of Shiloah and rejoices over Rezin ... therefore the Lord is about to bring against them the mighty floodwaters of the Euphrates – the king of Assyria with all his pomp. It will overflow all its channels, run over all its banks and sweep on into Judah, swirling over it, ... Its outspread wings will cover the breadth of your land, Immanuel!’ 
Raise the war cry, you nations, and be shattered! Listen, all you distant lands. Prepare for battle, and be shattered! Prepare for battle, and be shattered! Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us. 
... The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread. He will be a holy place; for both Israel and Judah he will be a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. And for the people of Jerusalem he will be a trap and a snare. Many of them will stumble; they will fall and be broken, they will be snared and captured.’ Isaiah 8:5‭-‬15 NIVUK

‘Am I only a God nearby,’ declares the Lord , ‘and not a God far away? Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?’ declares the Lord . ‘Do not I fill heaven and earth?’ declares the Lord .
Jeremiah 23:23‭-‬24 NIVUK

Gods word is a shining light that guides me on the right path to take. Psalm 119:105 (PM Version)

... All this took place to fulfil what the Lord had said through the prophet: ‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’ (which means ‘God with us’).Matthew 1:22‭-‬23 NIVUK 

The Lord your God is with you!! - fully "here",
wherever you are (space/time dimension)
you're present to him! You might say he's "near".
So in that sense "When you stand before him,

that's when you're in his presence - where he is -
& all your life is seen (that's everything)."
Well, such a time as that, is now in his
experience (right now it's happening!)

The Lord your God is with you!! - not against!
He's "on your side" (that's if you are on his).
His kingdom coming is almost "unfenced",
he made you to be "gods", & "godesses".

And He will fight for you against your "-me's"
(your mindset that thinks "me", and then no more)
so "any me's" become your enemies
& he will so defeat them - as before,

and He will make you to victor'yus stand!
He'll speak to us with insight that is true,
to help us see enough to understand
the path to take. Oh God, we do love you!

Oh God what mystery is this that you
were with us in the flesh, as well as close-
er than the air we breath, the things we do?
I thought you were a spirit, but suppose

I don't know much about them, 'cept I am
one of those as well, yet have a body,
it's just this one is mortal, breaking down! -
yet Yeshua's second one's not shody!

who do ... ... their prayer..

I pray that you will be empowered today
with Gods unlimited resources, and
his glory that is greater than the way
the sun's drives everything upon this land.

I pray that you will be strengthened with power
that's through His spirit which is living in
you. For the Christ will make His home in our..
..our hearts as they follow & trust in Him.

Your roots will grow down deep into God's love,
and that will keep you strong. May you have pow'r
to understand what you have from above -
how wide, how long, how high, how deep is now

our Father's love for us (& others too).
All glory to the God, who is able
& through His mighty power at work to woo,
to accomplish more (& make it stable)..

more than we could ask for, or imagine
(get good imaginations fired up quick!).
Glory to Him in the way he'll govern:
Eklessia in Christ Jesus - will stick!

So keep on asking, and you will receive.
And keep on seeking for you then will find.
Keep on knocking, as you do believe
in love, that it is neither weak, nor blind

(it is the ONE most powerful and equipped,
most able to Create & Open Up
new options just when everything has slipped).
And Open Up to YOUR "knocker", and sup!


I pray that you will be empowered today with Gods glorious, unlimited resources, that you will be strengthen with power through His spirit that is living in you. That Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into Gods love that will keep you strong. And may you have power to understand how wide, how long, how high and how deep our Fathers love is. Now all glory to God, who is able through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or imagine. Glory to Him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:16-20 (PM Version)

Keep on asking, and you will receive. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. Mathew 7:7 (PM Version)


Those who are poor & mourn

Blessed are those who are poor in spirit and realise their need for him.
Because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Mathew 5:3,4 PMV

Who would freely admit
they are poor at the core
of their own humanit-
-y, there's prob'ly a law

against such humili-
-ation, no more pretense,
just living truthfully,
you realize that’s dense.

You'd be a laughing stock
and life would be harder.
Talk of a head of rock,
try and be more smarter.

How could you ever live
not trying to appear
able to freely give
(until no-one is near)?

There is just no question,
this world has broken-wings,
and even the best ya
now have, will know mournings.

‘t may be MOSTLY the best
who see what could have been,
who'll mourn more than the rest,
‘n’be glad of comforting.

Those who don't want to know
comfort, for they can see
they would have to sorrow,
won't have Jesus’ blessing.


Tim Holley's Life

Is June the fifteenth really now the date
at which the Holley, Tim first came to Earth?
- a fitting time at which to celebrate -
I'm thinking of when he was sent - at birth!

If so, why then it's celebrating stuff;
but even if it's not, I'd do a jig.
For Timbo' has got more relating love
to God & men, & his "favour" is big.

His wisdom, strength & faithfulness head straight..
straight down the track of the "son of God's love".
Tim ultimately may you yet tread (mate)
on head of snakey, with strength from above!

And as you lead your lady may you show
a light, & kindness that helps her to feel
a love which is a special way to "know"
& also "be known" in a way that's real.

And as you two pass on this love (from God),
the author of all senses, & this world
of hills and hollows, & tread where he trod,
& let his flag of love be here unfurled,

then Tim, may you be not a timid man,
yet calmly walk on seas that could bring down
by keeping your eyes focussed where you can
on he, your Rabi, who won't let you drown.

And wholly lean on his command and call,
still following him when you feel quite small,
complaining to him when you are appalled,
and let his holly nature stand you tall!



Amen. LORD, pease give us ears, mouth, mind
that Open Up to you and those we find
about us in your world here where we live.
We want to honour you in what we give

attention to, so your glory is spread
& yet is magnified where-e'er you've led;
so here we go, we'll listen, look, & learn
& see that we then act, when it's our turn.

We love you and are glad that you love us,
& now we see that you are free to fuss
about your sons & daughters as you will.
Please give us love from you, to do that still

to others of your children who are our..
our brothers & our sisters here somehow
since you are father of us all and we
are glad you've Opened Up our eyes to see...

My trouble is that sometimes, though you've wild-
ly clothed me in the glory of "Your Child" -
& therfore "baby god", which radiates
an honour, glory, amazing mandates...

I have been found a disenfranchised wretch,
(that's to be pittied by who-ever stretched
their life into the orb of this poor one)
a blind and naked foetus that's begun,

but then been self-aborted. None but you
would do whatever there is left to do
to Open Up-bilical cords again
untill we grow to know you as our friend.


* Ephatha is Aramaic for "open up" (cf last little story in Mk 7, and Isa 50 "morning by morning he wakens me. Wakens my eyes to see, opens my ears, like a disciple, disciple who hears. I will respond and obey though through tears...")


learning how to differ..

So here I am, a Jesus follower.
In very great need of his view of life
in God's good world - to NOT be "wallower"
in pity, & in sin and death, & strife.

And when I feel reactions coming on
from my small life of living in this place,
to not give vent to them - my feelings strong
need to be matched with thinking, and with grace,

to see good functions that can come of this
(as God "wastes time" and "saw that it was good")
but knowing that he also saw the mess
a bit later, & then did what we could

to minimize the damage, start afresh.
O make me Father God, to be like you.
And thanks for sending Jesus to en-mesh
the heavens & the earth in people too -

that as we start with secret lives of pray'r
that your will will be done, on earth today
just like it is in heaven, which is where
your presence is full honoured - ev'ry way!

You'll somehow make these walking bags of skin
to be transformed to wine-skins that carried
the new life of God's Spirit (held within)
to bland and stilted lives, which ha'n't married

the two dimensions of heaven and earth
to make a further one, out of the two.
Which turns out to be fun, to be our birth-
right here & there, in everything we do!


..what God's Leadership is ON ABOUT!

The Kingdom of God is really - at least
the goodness and peace & joy of himself
in ev'ry situation: be it feast
or famine, death or life; it brings new health!

But since God made the Heavens & the Earth;
(& both dimensions have a go-between)
the WAY we eat and drink (or do not - both)
in goodness, peace, & joy is what we mean

when we pray "as in heaven, so on earth"
we're learning from our Father God to be
all that he put us here to be, by birth:
as baby gods we learn like him to see

the goodness round about - (at its own "stage")
it might not yet be fully grown, but will
as time goes on, & then we turn the page
in his-story, & lovely things have spilled

into the world (or will in God's good time)
from every good thing we have planted/known.
And as we spread shalom from God (sublime),
his wholeness & his healing then are shown.

And tail-gating on that comes happiness, 
the earthly counterpart of God's full joy, 
to all the ones who are people of peace,
who're open up * to heaven, like your "boy".

If you put these things first in serving Christ
you will as his own child, live in his love,
since God has given us his spir't of feist-
y love, power, discipline that's from above.


* Open up! (= Ephatha in Aramaic; see the last small story in Mark 7) may in fact be a whole way of life..(cf Isa "Morning by morning he wakens me, he opens up my ear to live as a disciple/learner... he enables me with the word to sustain the weary...)

The Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. If you put these things first in serving Christ you will please God. Romans 14:17-18
(PM Version)

God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self discipline 2 Timothy 1:7, (PM Version)

But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy trust (in our as yet unseen Master/Leader of Humanity) by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God’s love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, expressing and ready for the ruling mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life (of God himself) - which will extend beyond the life of each universe!  Jude.1.20-21.(MSG & pw)


prior ities

Then Jesus said to those who followed there:
“So I tell you, don't worry about what
in life you'll eat; or your body will wear...
For more than food is Life, & that you've got!

And more than clothes, is your body; which you've
already got,  which God has gi'en to you.
So that should be enough to surely proove
the lesser things you need done, he will do..

(but maybe through his son, who now is you).
Consider local bird - the bush gallah;
for they don't sow or reap, or have storerooms
or dams; yet God feeds them. Yet more, by far,

valuable you are than birds! Who of you
by worrying can add a single hour
to your life ? And then since you cannot do
this very little thing, why worry now

about these bigger issues? "Think about
how the lilies grow. They do not labor
to make their clothes. Yet I tell you, that not
even Solomon in all his splendor

was dressed like one of these, in flowing gown.
If that is how God clothes the grass in field, 
which here today, is then tomorrow thrown
into the fire, how much more will he yield

such clothes for you, O you of little faith!
On what you'll eat or drink - don’t set your heart -
or wear; don't worry 'bout it, for the pay-
-gan world runs after all such things. Your Fath-

-ther knows that you need them. But always seek 
clear first of all, his kingdom, and these things 
will be given to you, & you'll reek
of freedom like a bird upon its wings.

“So do not be afraid, my little flock.
Your Father has been pleased to give you the..
..the kingdom that is stronger than a rock,
..the kingdom of his Son - the great Lover.

So sell all your possessions and give to 
the poor. Provide some purses for yourself
that won't wear out, so that your wealth will do
the trick in heaven, where true wealth has health...

that will not be exhausted any more,
where no thief can come near, no moth destroy.
For where your treasure is, right there is your..
your heart, which is a child like girl or boy!

 ....Luke 12:22-34 ; Mt 6:25-33