
Word of Hope, Purpose, and Strength...

Of all the things this Christ called some to do:
like follow him right through a cross of death;
& let go of my fear of people who
could kill me, make me suffer, lose my breath;

stretch out a withered hand (curled like a dish);
or take a donkey from the street unknown;
or pay the temple tax from coin in fish 
(you ha'en't yet caught on line - yet out you go);

or feed five thousand fam'lies "food for all";
evict foul spirits from folk in a place;
heal all the sick who're brought by the people;
resist like Yeshua, & keep your pace...

when a demonic legion comes screaming
towards you, after he said "Spirit out!"
and stick with him, while he prods for meaning;
or herald an alternate king about

in places where existing ones compete;
or walk on water from your boat to him;
take on his attitude to what's complete,
& who to hang out with, & welcome in.

Small wonder that those, following in his..
.. his footsteps, words, & life, and found them true -
to have the stength, & pow'r, boldness, & wis-
dom to accomplish what they had to do, ..

would say (like Paul), "I can do all things through
(this leader) Christ (whom God has chosen now),
who gives me all the strength I need to do
whatever he has called me to (somehow)!


I can do all things through Christ, who gives me the strength. Philippians 4:13 (PM Version)

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