
Our Ground of being!

Oh God, please help us as you have so far.

We trust that you are as good as you are. 

Not only just as good as we who marr 

could well imagine. You're our sun, our star. 

 Our centre of all gravity that makes 

our lives upon this Earth more than just fakes 

and lets us walk on sandy shores of lakes.

The gravity that gives, instead of takes!


Musing on using our fusing as clue - sing!

to mention suspension in tension  Version 4

Been sitting with a tension and an  angst

within my self, and too community…

as one must do to see, when things are dark,

and sayings that are "dark" but yet hold truth, 

fit into that same category too..

This ain't much fun to feel, but as with pranks

between good friends, when talking might get "free",

the whole thing could blow up with just a spark,

all kinds of things can hit the fan, and roof.

What matters: who will stay to clean the poo?

Oh God, I see you at your work again,

to grow us to be real, in ev'ry way!

I'm so glad you have stayed, and feel our pain.

"I'm growing you as friends", I hear you say.

And certainly, I see that that is true.

With opportunities to learn to love,

to hear each other's diff'rent points of view,

to be within the mix both "snake" and "dove"

in ways outlined by your own boy child. Thanks

to him we have the possibility

of seeing how he'd run Mark in da Park

or something in this day that's not a spoof

of serving folk within this zombie zoo.

How will I learn to sing not just as wank?

- So I feel good, and less alone, and free.

  To "let it all hang out" and leave my  mark

  on self, if not on others? As my proof

  that I can still do self-expression too!


Your Advent's more than our events so dank,

Eklesia's the method that you drank,

a "coming out" to serve, not just as prank.

Full giving your spring water, you the tank,

the source, and not impregnable by rank.

Oh God, for me to follow.. So I'll be

responsive to your spirit's call to me.

To love as you love who you send, so we

see what you do, when true love is set free.

The love that loves, thus knows reality.

So to your wafting spirit's breeze I'll hark

and do what can be done. Your will's a lark

that's free and singing, as dove croons in park,

and new dimensions emanate and spar-

kle like a star, or even sun so stark!

Lord Jesus, I recall you're not aloof.

But you were there, as sure as donkey's hoof

is what connects it with it's world, and roof 

above its head can shelter and make cooth.

You're  Alpha & Omega, Love & Truth.

Your spirit's mindset is my light. That's who

I would not grieve, but gladden. Help me to

be quick to make time carefully to chew

the cud, within your presence, and those too

sent further to reflect the One. That's you.


Well, we will learn to sing in ways to thank,

responding to great good, unconsciously,

so still aware who else might soon embark

'coz of God's word to them. Help them "un-goof".

We'll take the time to listen, then sit too!

 _,--. _..._.--, _


Br-wratten force for creative change..

A holy day is this, I've just been told

that on this day near sixty years ago

new son of God was born, not very old,

but at the right stage to be fully known!

How Good's God!


Tough stuff

God, please watch over your boy Rad, who's on

explor-a-tor-y journey checking out...

Hope we don't miss out  seeing him anon,

on Thursday, help him thirst, - and scream, and shout,

for nothing less than your true milk, then meat,

the manna that you give, where none else is.

The food and friendship that is oh, so sweet..

The chance to so become and live like "his"...

his chosen one,  disciple who's been nabbed,

and let himself respond to your own rule,

the rule of love, that even if it's stabbed, 

will own it's own perceptions, and not fool

around with anti-love, and hate. It's set

by Yahweh and his son, Adam - the Last,

to grow to show the love that never yet

has stopped. It built the world and will stand fast!

So now we will keep trusting love to win

the battle to be true in face of odds.

So now, we'll chose for you, against our sin,

and know you know us fully. We are God's!


Travelling rough.. 

Oh God, please give my brother what he needs, 

in terms of what is needed at this time. 

And when he's suff-er-ing and "fairly bleeds", 

what is it that he really needs to rhyme 

with your own heart that suffers in your own

creation as it's baby god's go sour. 

I'm glad that you are able to atone, 

to cover up some parts from love of our 

own arses, which are shitty often times.

Yet as your tinny babies, you clean up 

our problems that we leave about.. Well mine's

enough, yet you do this for ev'ry one!


to a demonizing unclean spirit, mindset, motive force...


You, mindset that's concerned with many things1,

with how one looks to others looking on2,

with what makes one seem like they're one who brings

the goodness of Creator3 and his song

to others on this Earth, to somehow gain

more kudos from the people looking on2,

because one sees one self as that, in main,

not specially as a partner who belongs4

oneself to a much greater partnership

which has a senior partner who's not they

themselves, but one who knows and does not kip5,

and who's intent on growing them each day;

in short they're partnered6 with someone who loves,

who's teaching them to love as they are too7,

so fear is not their motive force which shoves,

but faith in one who's more than people too.

I now repudiate your personhood,

and as with fever, tree, or wind and waves,

as Jesus, God's true man, ruled true and good,

I'll tell you to "Be still!8", "Get out!9" - he says,

and saves from all that causes fright & fear10,

and seems to also call real humans on

as partners11 (not the prime-movers you hear)

to join up with him, as his team anon,

and work against that motive force - control,

to learn to do creative sacrifice12,

to win folk by the love from heart and soul,

that sits, and listens, learning from God's Christ13!

1 Jesus says "Martha. Martha, you are worried and upset about so many things"

2 the teachers of the Law, do things for people to look up to them.

3 Jesus said "Why do you call me good? Only God is good!"

4 "you do not belong to yourself, but you have been bought at a price..."

5 kip = sleep, or nap.

6 2 Pet 1:2-6..








of sorrows, acquainted with grief

Oh God, there's sadness all around this place.

This world of yours has aches and griefs galore.

I understand and see why scripture say-s

that you were grieved (right to your heart and core).

It says it not just once, the narr-at-eve

repeats it two more times for emphasis,

And Jesus says "How blest are those who grieve"

These prophets want to make sure we get this!

And in the recent month or so, I know

of four beings who've got so very sick,

& fever-ous, their heat and love-lack show

a loss of life and strength. Oh, please be quick,

Lord Jesus, I am telling you as though

you've  only come in touch with this just now,

but often when you're told you hardly show

surprise, you seem quite glad that now, somehow,

you've been invited in to help us out.

And then you look to God for wisdom from

above, with skill and insight so to rout

all anti- -love and -life; with connection

to both a life of love, and love of life

that's deeper than the biological,

and yet encompasses husband and wife,

both intuition and what's logical.

This grieving you have pioneered, so far.

True mourning for us, joins us with yourself,

as there recorded in Jewish scripture.

We're blessed when joined with you, the source of health.

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, ‘I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created – and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground – for I regret that I have made them.’

Genesis 6:5‭-‬7 NIVUK

Blessed are those who mourn,  for they will be comforted.   Matthew 5:4 NIVUK


2 friends where they are

Oh God, please give 'em grace to face today.

And thank you for the place to trace your Way,

that Path, and Truth, and Gate, un-fate-ed Word

whose whole Life of un-hate, seems quite absurd

if it were not for you, who to the end

would gladly still be wooing bride as friend,

and so into your world you hurled your love,

your answer's bouyed and girled us from above.

The little ones who seem so insignif-

-i-cant .. they think themselves hardly a whiff.

But that smell's taken both ways by each mob

One ties it too a great taboo, and fobs

it off, as just another climbing up

the ladder to be higher than theirself;

and jealousy is born and does its thing.

Its friendship, laughter, love, is all feigning.

But t'other way is just small, weak, and true,

it loves to love, and gather, to include.

It thinks that fun is more when shared with smiles

It loves to do u-turns and even trials....