
to a demonizing unclean spirit, mindset, motive force...


You, mindset that's concerned with many things1,

with how one looks to others looking on2,

with what makes one seem like they're one who brings

the goodness of Creator3 and his song

to others on this Earth, to somehow gain

more kudos from the people looking on2,

because one sees one self as that, in main,

not specially as a partner who belongs4

oneself to a much greater partnership

which has a senior partner who's not they

themselves, but one who knows and does not kip5,

and who's intent on growing them each day;

in short they're partnered6 with someone who loves,

who's teaching them to love as they are too7,

so fear is not their motive force which shoves,

but faith in one who's more than people too.

I now repudiate your personhood,

and as with fever, tree, or wind and waves,

as Jesus, God's true man, ruled true and good,

I'll tell you to "Be still!8", "Get out!9" - he says,

and saves from all that causes fright & fear10,

and seems to also call real humans on

as partners11 (not the prime-movers you hear)

to join up with him, as his team anon,

and work against that motive force - control,

to learn to do creative sacrifice12,

to win folk by the love from heart and soul,

that sits, and listens, learning from God's Christ13!

1 Jesus says "Martha. Martha, you are worried and upset about so many things"

2 the teachers of the Law, do things for people to look up to them.

3 Jesus said "Why do you call me good? Only God is good!"

4 "you do not belong to yourself, but you have been bought at a price..."

5 kip = sleep, or nap.

6 2 Pet 1:2-6..







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