
Gilbert Ariel Simeon Enoch Heer Walker..

God U see the lot
& hear Gil's heart too.
Please give what you've got
to help him be true
to GILBERT's meaning
Joyful, Bright, Alert,
Servant, thus gleaning
the good his names assert;
along with names-sakes
who make good the names,
give him what it takes -
joining holy games.


X's Friends in Bangladesh ask us to pray

God, you heard this heart cry
of Henry & of Jo.
We agree, and ask why
more workers do not go?

Please make us your workers
in your harvest fields here
(not to be like shirkers,
who start then disappear)

We want to love you more,
respond to your 'hesed'1,
and love those from next-door
so YOU call us "bless-ed"

Oh, God please open up
our ears to hear your voice,
hearts to not be "fed up",
to choose to thank, rejoice!

Thank you for your spirit,
who's come to start things fresh.
There are those who hear it
in Oz, & Bangladesh.

Amen, from this small Paul.

1“hesed” = Hebrew for “loyal love”


Bad News

(after an update from Jason; More than a month in hospital, then still with large abscesses...)

Thank you dear brother
Jason for keeping
us up with the news,
between your sleeping.

God, do your healing
bring good amidst bad-
(mostly bad feeling).
Help Jas as a dad,

and as a husband,
& learner, & teach-
-er at the li'le school.
Help us all to reach

out with healing hand
in your adventure
(do what you comm-and)
rather than censure.

Please help Jas; breathe clear
(& thanks for bodies),
not "give way" to fear
(old ones are "shodies")

(Meant to fall out for
our new ones to come,
like first teeth from jaw, 
then perm'nent en-gum)

So may your strong life
replace our weaker
in the midst of strife
as things seem bleaker!



Wise Eyes

God, Kate's eyes have caught her.
please help this, your daughter
to see much more better
since that's what eyes' aught ta
do, not be a fetter.
Help us to see how we
can help you to work too,
& we will joyfully
praise what should be praised - You!
Amen. Paul W.


Tongues that puff up*, or build up*?

Help us O God                 to follow your son.
Look for his nod,             & wait for "Well done."
We'll guard ourselves      and challenge the yeast
that brings it's spells        (if once it's released)
'gainst inspection            & "covers our back".
Its infection                     puffs up where we lack.
Then we look good,        & seem sufficient.
But, where He stood,      is now our mission.
To look quite shamed,    & stumbled, & hanged;
quiet when blamed,        could not really stand,
but himself throw           on God's self. Amen.
We will follow,               & see what you send!

We know our tongues,    if not brought to heel,
will "mouth off" tons,     to make us seem "real".
They'll put us "up",         or else others "down",
won't "drink the cup",     which quietens the clown.
Oh God to tame              such an unruly
beast, is the same            as killing "yours truly".
Well since that should    happen, now may it.
And for what's good,      please will you slay it.
Now since He's raised,   raise me up in Him.
Him who is praised        by all who would sing.
Give your child speech,  to build up and help
And as you reach           out our ice-hearts will melt.

Hallelujah. Amen. Hallelu!
*1Cor, + James, + Jesus on "leaven".


Prayer for a friend with dis-ease

After hearing that Kate's eye problem is related to an autoimmune condition. She asked me to pray for her. Please join with me.

Oh God, please now help dear Kate
in this diff'culty of late,
to know and go in, and wait
on - your love and comfort straight.
YOU are our healer (and mate)!

Your love and truth are so great
they reach out, and won't abate.
We see what your hopes relate,
(now we're in the week-day "Eight",
and our new bodies await)
so our hearts and souls elate,
as we see your plans, our fate!