
Those who are poor & mourn

Blessed are those who are poor in spirit and realise their need for him.
Because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Mathew 5:3,4 PMV

Who would freely admit
they are poor at the core
of their own humanit-
-y, there's prob'ly a law

against such humili-
-ation, no more pretense,
just living truthfully,
you realize that’s dense.

You'd be a laughing stock
and life would be harder.
Talk of a head of rock,
try and be more smarter.

How could you ever live
not trying to appear
able to freely give
(until no-one is near)?

There is just no question,
this world has broken-wings,
and even the best ya
now have, will know mournings.

‘t may be MOSTLY the best
who see what could have been,
who'll mourn more than the rest,
‘n’be glad of comforting.

Those who don't want to know
comfort, for they can see
they would have to sorrow,
won't have Jesus’ blessing.

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