
more precious than gold..

Be truly glad!!! There is wonderful joy ahead. Even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials prove that your faith is genuine, being refined by fire, your faith is more precious than gold. So when your faith remains strong through these trials, it will bring you much praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. 1 Peter 1:6-7 (PM Version)

Wow, what a way to "store
up treasure in heaven"
Oh, that we won't ignore
Jesus' hints, and warnin'.

"Refined Faith" more precious
than gold which is en-fired:
How can we take measures
to not grow "old & tired"

so to speak, in what counts,
unless it is like wine-
maturity will bounce,
infected over time;

or the kind of love which,
even when it's tired,
settles, and becomes rich,
determined, and inspired!

God, your good infection
we want to grow in us,
that Christ's resurrection
come after our own crux

-of-the-matter which seems
to be as Jesus said
his kind of "raised up" deems
that we must have been dead!

- and buried (that's baptism).
Oh thank you God you've sealed
us with His spirit, his
motivation and shield.


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