
Our Plan to co-operate with God's Mission here

I think we are, so far as I can see
just following that “OGRE”  acronym,
where “O” stands for Observing - CLE-AR-LY
and finding out the things that interest him!

(The lay of the land, the need of the hour,
the cry of the heart. List’ning like father
to cries of oppressed, who call out to him -
the sheep (without a shepherd) on the rim.)

The “G” stands for that Galvanizing flow
that makes something that would have been destroyed,
be  able now to do a task and know
it done, not just attempted in a void.

It seems to come in my mind from the love
of Christ which was compelling Paul back then,
the undergirding motive from above
which won’t let action stay “potential” when

it is connected with a bleating cry.
And “R” is for the Rousing that occurs,
the Rolling-of-the-sleeves to Ready my-
Responses, so that nothing now hinders.

Then “E” stands for Empow’ring, which is done
as God and humans work together right.
The Spirit of this God is poured out on
his people to encourage through the night,

the valley of the shadow of real death,
the night before the resurrection morn.
Let God take of our spirit, of our breath
and breathe on others so they’re newly-born!


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