
to gather..


God thanks for that there bunch, who're having lunch,

together just because they think that you

want family of yours to share the crunch-

es of this life together, so on cue,

you'll  be displayed more tangibly, right there,

in that part of your Universe, where you

have caused them to be stationed and to care

for one-another, so that angels view

your very great amazing interven-

tion into human life on Planet Earth,

so people who are diff'rent (your inten-

tion), might display what Jesus' life was worth,

and what that love of God, which is quite tough

redeems, though it already, had been lost.

For "no good reason", if love's not enough,

he bought us, at enormous pers'nal cost.

Now, each is owned, not fine'ly by the self,

nor even by each other - in the end,

but firstly by the one whose life and health

has gladly been just given to a friend.

For this inheritance is not like those

that pass to one who's living, from the dead.

For this one, as it passes on, it grows

and multiplies, with ev'ry added head.

And joy, like thriving, and God's kinda love,

proceeds much more as diff'rences abound.

Oh God, we need your spirit "from above"

that like a bell your love will clearly sound.

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