
Monday08082022CE, from 23km out to Mungindi, Qld.

Due to wake at 6:07am, pack, make list for shopping at Mungindi, for trip to St. George, get a cup of coffee and bacon and egg roll at 6:30am, & look for a lift to get me dropped 23 km out from, and trolley dropped in, or through, Mungindi.

In the morning outside the shop, I met Lethia, the mother of Cal (from Ashley, where I stayed with Pete, Cal's dad, and Cal). She is the daughter of the folk who run the shop that has been making my breakfast and coffee. Her mum, Lyn, was there with her this morning, and Lethia made my coffee.


I gave Lethia another verbal riddle to pass on to Cal. She says Cal has passed the other one on to the whole school. Ask your mum about it Cal.

And thanks for my breakies and coffee, Lyn, your man, and Lethia.

Got a big looking garden trolley to try to get to Mungindi, and I'm taking a day pack with me. I walked out of the shop saying, that I didn't know how this was going to happen. But after a while I'd know how. I would just have to see.

Stood outside the shop eating my bacon & egg roll, and sipping coffee, not feeling confident, I think I waved to a truck or car going by, with my finger out to indicate which way I was going and that I was looking for a lift. Then i tried a ute,  it slowed down, but I'm not sue the driver even saw me, 'coz he was going into the shop to get a coffee for his boss. When I asked about a lift to Mungindi, and drop me off early, but drop my trolley off at the Qld. servo, Richard said "Yeah, that should be ok." How glad was I. Well, he's just dropped me off where Google maps says I've got 24km to go to Mungindi, Qld.


And Richard's got my number in case he has any problems at that end of things, or has to drop it somewhere else. We shook hands. Thanks Richard. 

And thanks to creative love who(m) I know* somehow rigged this up so beautifully. This is fun learning to trust you.

Now, for that Mark stuff (that I'm trying to do a bit on each day, as food for mind, soul/spirit) to think about, and imagine. …

Meanwhile, this creek, with a strong lonely little bridge, over a deep-water creek




somehow doubly reminded me of one of my sons. I wonder why?

Morning Break (40 min) 10:08am with 15km to go. So I've been travelling at 9km÷2.3hr = ~4 km/hr.

Ring and confirm my booking at the Two Mile hotel for tonight. "Too easy!" she said, and night "meals are from 6 to 8."

It must be pretty important to creative love to connect with other  humans who want themselves to be conduits for creative love too, since I seemed to be led to considering this instead of Mark so far this morning. I'll try to finish this in my break, then do MarKing time after the break.

Took me 40 min to do my basic intro, together with the translation/ paraphrase/ poem of the first story-block of Mark. (= ch 1, in most religious settings)

About 12km from Mungindi I met Malcolm who was on a little wheeled push-scooter, with two grocery bags ballanced on the handles, & his bitch-dog Bella, heading for Moree.


He hoped he'd make it there. I wasn't so sure. No food or water. Since I still had some tea left in a thermos, I gave him my two water bottles, and my 3 muslie bars. I hope you make it Malcolm. Creative love be with you.

I think I might need to learn my Intro to the Intro too (another 20 poemish verses), which takes into account some of modern science's understanding of 4 different dimensions of this world we live in.

Right big toe joint is getting sore. Feels like gout coming on. Had the other half of my preventative gout tablet, and one of the get rid of it when you've got it ones. Eek, I've given my water away. Finished my black tea. Well, creative love, this is where things seem to be right now. I don't want to stop in case my toe settles & grows its crystals of gout, and I can't move again.

Just before 2pm, I am welcomed to Mungindi (NSW) by this sign from above:


.like Bourke, Mungindi appears to be surrounded by a levi bank, I'm guessing to save it from water on the flood plains covering the town. I guess they've then got to shaw up the river banks within the town .

the grocery shop in town is run from the old RSL, and I got a few provisions there, including some nail clippers, and some asprin.

right big toe a bit gouty... just had some water  and half an asprin & got feet up in park for half an hour before going accross the river. 

Just after 4pm, I walked from NSW


accross the Barwon River at Mungindi, 


and into Qld. 


My first foot (in shoe) on living Qld soil, as part of this trip:



Thanks to all my support team who formed as you were called on by de BOSS, creative love!

Then, collected my trolley from the Lowes Servo that I think must be run by the de Beer family. Elrene gave me a punnet of chicken poppers - for free. Yum. Thanks Elrene for looking after the trolley much of the day and for your generosity.

Now I'm walking out to the two mile pub, where I'm booked in for the night, for dinner too.

Arrived about 5:30pm. Pay. They wouldn't let me pay! They said a person from the community, who wished to remain anonymous had footed the bill. What? Well, creative love has done it again, and seems to love involving others, just for the fun of it. Thank you anonymous person, for partnering in the adventure. I feel like creative love has partners hidden all over the place. 

(I have another secret that I'm not putting on the blog, but you can ask me personally, why it's pretty amazing that this happened tonight, and not last night or tomorrow night.)

Well, I got my keys, to the room, had a lovely shower, and lay down to write this up, with my feet up a bit before dinner. Planning for dinner at 7pm. Then an early-ish night.

First sleep in Qld for this trip.

Expect to get going early-ish in the morning, & sleep somewhere close to the road, about half way to Thallon tomorrow night.

We'll see what happens.

*  the word "know" can mean either

  1. An intellectual recalling and outlining of the component parts of a mechanism, displaying an understsnding of the processes by which they contribute to a working system or machine, or (if you believe there are beings/creatures above machines, which can make real choices at a level above programming, instincts, and desires, then the word "know" can indicate);

  2. a friendship/ relationship between beings/creatures which can choose for open building-up relationships, that are built on an unconditional, positive, realistic regard for each other as choosing persons. In such a knowing relationship, little can be known by one person of the facts of the other yet the other person in the relationship can be trusted implicitly [sometimes to the detriment of one person, if the other was not trustworthy to the extent they wrre trusted] (e.g. both ways, some grandchildren with their grandparents);

in this case I am using it in both the first & second sense, but mostly the second.


Despite that science tells us "This world is

not what it seems on outside, to the feel,

with layers upon layers forming things",

I still believe that our ol' world is real.

Our scientific story tells us that

despite what we all see here (think we "know"),

there's layers of "community" which mat

together, and which interleave.. (quite so):《1

Inside, within each body, making up

the living ones, are individu'l "cells",

or living creatures that can be corrupt-

ed, or combined to make a host where dwells

the multicelled "community" we see

that's planted right before us "on" (or "in")

our ground of being. Even you and me.

And these can be disrupted or can win!

The ways that these communities would seize

things 'round about to aid their tiny parts,

to work together: shelter, feed, and ease

their life, to bring a thriving from their starts,

are called in this Our world "to feed", & "clothe

and shelter", self or fam'ly, other lives.

The old words from Our world that covered both

are "love", & then there's "peace"- which meant "life thrives".

But smaller yet, each body that exists,

of rocks, or gasses, animals or plants;

(and irrespective of "life" tagged to its

existence as an entity, per chance..)

is made of smaller atoms, molecules,

or other things that kind of are like "seas".

But smaller yet (these aren't just words of fools)

are forces "circling", balancing with ease.

Where either particles or waves "impart"

existence to those higher levels too.

But here we haven't even made a start

on bigger things, like Galaxies and U-

ni-verse, or other categ'ries rehearsed,

like Supernova, Nebulae, and Giants,

Dwarves, and other stars that shoot and burst,

to cook up compounds, elements and ions

from which all of the rest can start to "be".

Invisible dimensions in this way

we start to understand, and maybe "see"

within our "mind's eye" - as they used to say.

But still our story makes more sense, or less

of all dimensions we've encountered here,

since we were born - to order and to mess,

with this ol' world. - And this is where I cheer

myself as I move on, and others too.

The world we "started" in, that let us learn

about dimensions and these worlds that you

have just now been reminded of, don't spearn!

The story that's apparent: God made this

whole world with more dimensions than you'd poke

at with a stick, does not seem so remiss

and starts to look less like it was a joke!

"The best is yet to come", as AA found

in fact, through living in this re-al world.

And there's a higher power hanging round

to see if we would reach out and be curled

within the love of biggest Dad, or Mum,

and let the Great Creator's fam-il-y

look after us and grow us, and then some..

towards more of a nature that is free

to love back, as we have ourselves been loved.

And that's why most religions in this world

admire, and think good-life was surely gloved

within the life, that we have mostly hurled

our insults at, and blamed him for our faults

and misdemeanours, laziness, and such.

It's him I would commend to you. Us dolts,

we killed the model human God loved much -

the second Adarm (and would kill his Eve,

that God brings from him while he's "not around").

In jealousy and ignorance, we'd weave

a net to catch them yet, like beasts been found

and named. So if you ask me to I'll tell

the story of the glory of God "THERE",

who loves his kids, and wants them to do well,

take on creative love, and learn to share.

《1》 physically enact this by interleaving the fingers from each hand with those of the other

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