
God has not given us a spirit of ...

I'm a bit crazy too.
But as I write that I recall ( in the same spirit that you just remembered) that God hasn't given me a spirit of fear (and crazziness, and reactionism, and all the other things I can dream up), but a spirit of power, and of Love, and of a sound mind!

I will let that spirit guide and live out of me instead of the other dead-zombie one which I seem to bring to the table. 

God I need your spirit of love
I need your spirit with power
I need your wisdom from above,
now, but also every hour!

I love you, and I love that you
know all about these needs of mine,
my neediness, and yet you do
not run, but watching all the time

do what I must do when I pray;
wait and watch out for your son,
then like that father did that day
(in Jesus' story) you do run...

towards me, oh I love you too,
just don't want to be such a grump
like that son's older brother who
seems  like me. Please help me dump

that old, weak, pouting, pow'rless thing,
both timid and brash, where it should
be dumped, and dead, and composting,
make soil for growth of your life - good!

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