
2 folk us ?

I was thinking on the loo today, about those two ways of living you identified.  By hate, and getting back at people, ... or ... by some other way that involves polite acknowledgement (where you "can", or ignoring, where you "can't"), and contributing what-ever you can. I've seen you actually living out something of that second way.
(Though for me Yeshua, seemed to do a better job of modelling this way, than me or you)
Got me thinking ... and exploring with words.

The question is can we be weaned off from
our focus on the needs we have (to live)?
-  as though this life had everything upon
which could be counted, so to really give

a meaning, and a purpose big enough
for all the human spirit which exists.
And learn to live another way - by love.
That’s giving out; not taking, grinding grists

to keep our little lives here going strong
(as though God’s saving from that Tree of Life
to live forever down here was quite wrong).
Dependence on this Other is quite rife,

if we acknowledge life from A to Zed,
-  we start without agreement from ourselves,
pure gift to us from those who were ahead
(sometimes they did not do so very well),

so ow-a part’s to play till we are dead.
Some gratefulness for little parts we played
in helping this ol’ world at water-sheds,
we know is right and proper when displayed

with honesty, and not fork-tongued, but true.
And when folk do this, and let it become
the strength of life in them (well, me & you)
this change in focus, can seem really dumb

as they said to that fellow lifted high:
“You saved those others, what about yourself?”
He trusted who was bigger than this life,
and following his Way, saves us from “hell".

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