
to pass over, or not

What the..? Lamb meant? (When things rub against the grain)

Oh God this here is why I am so sad.
Some brothers who shared caravan, or room,
& life with me, have turned their noses up
at my life, & have walked away again.

Yet I am made to build community.
And my "life" is much bigger than my "self";
it's even like a "person" here with me,
but more than any ghost, or any elf.

And yes it's true that I am enamoured,
& too enabled, by this "loving one".
It's like a good marriage where two people
lose sight of self, this unit which now lives

with a different "life", or kind of being,
(polluted air, though, quickly can kill it)....
Yet real friendship has a way of seeing,
in later years; the question now's "Will it?".

But whether that occurs or not, we'll see.
Still my job is to let love do its thing
right here within this person who is "Me",
and NOT "adulterate", or start shrinking

down to the kind of life that won't befriend,
that won't respond to love when it shows up,
though I can't make them love me in the end,
I can let love love through me, like a pup.

I'm learning that this sadness has a place,
& I am not "like God", if I don't grieve.
So if it will hurt them, - don't show my face.
God, do your thing, & "resurrection" weave!

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