It's true, is it not?
- that today's the date
the world got it's shot
of cultured, roasted,
top brew from Parris,
not early, not late,
worth a whole garris
-on, for love hosted
in bag of skin and
bone that is Daniel
comes with a right hand,
& mind for detail;
'times softly spoken,
big cokaspaniel,
doesn't work 'token'
or 'quickly derailed'.
Dan, I am glad of
company like yours,
(reminds a tad of
a thoughtful sentence -
communicates things
quite helpful because
it ties in and brings
hamony when tense
things are occurring.
So don't lose your nerve
or come to burring-
up over folk's words.
There might come times you
turn sharply or swerve,
see that you heed to
their best, not their turds).
O God, make this man
a man among men,
who'll speak as that Dan
(from ages ago,
who spoke to those folk
who lived way back then)
and Lived, not a joke,
but to Serve - & Show!
And show off your life
your wisdom and love
that cuts like a knife
in a surgeon's hand.
You'll have to keep tuned
to what's from above,
reflecting (full mooned)
what you understand,
as it's come from him
(Maker, & Mentor),
not just at your whim,
but at his wishes
(which are your commands).
Recall that Centaur
and Eagle's demands
at seismic fissures*!
A small, slowly moving one: Paul (=small) Walker.
* @ the news of the fall of all their world's stability and goodness into the forces of chaos & destruction... the cousel which Farsight related to Tirian from Roonwit..."Remember that all worlds... "
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