
The fear of something good, is as it should.. The fear of somethimg less is quite a mess!

The fear of Yahweh starts the physics for
a place where life can grow that's from above.
It brings a gravity, some call a "law",
or more "direction", so we can learn love.

Which lets our earth be able to receive
the seed that's come from up above - to grow
beyond the earth into that space where weaves
the winds of wisdom, breath of life, to know

and enter into what will create life.
This centre, basic tenet, gives all this,
a sanity that cuts through like a knife,
& lets you walk around and learn "pistis"

(that's faithfullness - in Greek, the common tongue
milenia ago when "Jesus" walked)
that let's the faithful seed grow (ever young)
in ways that this dear gravity uncorked.

And so it's said "the fear of Yahweh is
the start of wisdom", it is "first things first",
but after that, God's foolishness shows his
ol' topsy turvy world, till fit to burst

we're likely to be lying on the floor,
in fits of laughter, or of reverie,
the "Only Wise" has other names, what's more
to do with truth & love that sets folk free!

So now you might see what a dangerous trap,
t'would be to fear reflections more than Him,
you wouldn't know your "up" or "down" - you'd snap!
But trusting your Creator's glad (& grim).


The fear of man is a dangerous trap, but whoever trusts in The Lord is kept safe. Proverbs 29:25 (PM Version)

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