
open up, look up ... (& down).

Please open me up t'wards you, my Parents*,
in mind, eyes, ears, lungs, posture; that my heart
acknowledge my dire need & dependence
and in your beaming love  enjoy this start!

With every new start celebrations bloom,
& each new day is not an exception;
a painted sky, & bird-songs fill the room,
unless we use our gifts of election...

...& choose to move ourselves or to block out
this light and this hub-ub with a  curtain,
a screen, that will dim-in-ish power - no doubt.
For fetal senses aren't strong and certain.

So God, please help me grow to be able
one day, to open my lids and look up
into your eyes. Yet Mary (in stable),
looked DOWN into your eyes in her small bub.

*speaking of God as not "only" my father (although the word "God" may include all that "father" can mean), but ALSO my mother. Thus both- in the word "Parents".

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