
We’dNestDay afternoon & after dinner. ..



A man, & too a woman, learning love,

who’re made quite diff’rently - & not the same.

I-de-al candidates if each dain’t shove 

the other round, and play the blaming game.

They’ve tried the building houses, project stuff,

the raising kids - & minimizing drugs, they care for all the animals they’ve loved

and mostly tell the truth, but human hugs

are harder to be had, they give quite well,

with reservations, care-ful-ly in place.

But fear might still make life a living hell

for anyone who hears the news these days.

The show-dog scene, & sometimes horse’s too,

will keep attention on appearances,

and they are certainly quite finely tuned

to animals, and structures, clearances.

I thank them for their food and drink and too,

the thoughtfulness of finding a lost thong.

The honest speech which came to me (from you),

the happy love birds sing their Eden song.

I wonder if they ever feel like those

first two. Did they feel cut off when they left

the outskirts of the paradise they s’posed

they’d never have to lose? Or are they blessed? 

Invisibility is quite a “thing”, 

we often can confer on folk because

they weren’t within our expectation-ing.

I’m glad they opened up, even with flaws.

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