
first blessing for a fellow journey-er.


Oh, may the road rise up to meet your feet -

-  do half the work, join in along with you.

And may the people that you meet & greet 

have your demeanor when they see you too.

And may companions whom you travel with

be such that their own goals and aims combine

to make up quite a team, both kin & kith,

where kith are like they’re in your fam’ly line.

And may you learn to listen and to look

as on you go, so that you’ve got a chance

to get to other ends of roads you took,

though maybe with a little jog & dance. 

And learn to hear the country, what it tells,

the people with their stories, let them live

in your own heart, with colours and the smells

and may creative-hesed-friendship give

you ev’rything you need to carry on

the plot of goodness that’s been laid till now,

and take it farther, building well upon

what found-a-tions are good & strong somehow.

So grateful for what goodness comes to you,

may you too learn to offer thanks to who

has joined in on it’s manifesting to

all earth (& heavens) in that great big view.

And may you learn to ask for help from those 

who could give it, if they were so disposed,

and put to words their work & what they chose 

to do, and then inform how it all goes!

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