
Reconciliation (I)


Oh God, please honour your great name, the one

from whom all fam-il-ies on earth have come.

Who is the father of the orphans and 

knows how to flesh dry bones and make them stand.

The honour of your Christ we want this world,

(well anyone with eyes who tries) to see..

what plainly is impossible when hurled

together just by chance. May people be

enabled with the facts and figures there,

to be baptised, as Jesus was those days

when he took on his people’s failures, shared

our immaturities, our foggy haze.

As he came not to be our judge, but our..

our servant and to give his life to set 

free many slaves of sin, stuck in its power..

as we see that his life is not done yet.

We pray, today (and as you bring to mind)

that breath of this your Christ, might blow again

and that each brother/sister there might find

your grace in eyes of who's their champion.

And rise with him, who raised up Peter’s mum

from fever (sick and weak, could hardly stand),

to be the server of all those who’d come

within her house’s influence. You planned

good things for plain ol’ people round their town

(to give Jesus and friends some energy

to serve them better all that night, folk found

that Jesus’ pow-er could do as he pleased.

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