
icon^ of G*d!

He didn’t mind the touch so very much

or power going out from him at all,

or kiss of welcome, wash of feet and such,

for these were reasons he had made his call.

To be in a relationship of friends,

no contract (that’s too weak to be much use).

He came to bring together, make amends,

but not to force at all. Don’t be confused.

The only things worth saying must be true,

but also benefiting those who hear.

But most important is what acts you do

or cease to do, so he could be right near.

And even enter into pers’nal stuff,

the stuff you mightn’t share with folk around.

And then the whole wide world is not enough

to give back, for the life that now abounds.

In this relating in a pers’nal way

quite intimate, & with compassion’s edge

that doesn’t balk at hard things it must say,

or do, or even to become, instead.

Just when it seemed quite soft and easy, for

I heard the word come right out of his mouth.

He said that I must hate all else & more.

He asks for loyalty, both North & South

& East & West, as well, he’d take the lot.

He said if I was shamed by him down here,

then that relationship was what I got.

My giving of allegiance made him cheer!

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