
Human acts (- are part of pacts) & words

The acts within the world that humans do -

from which the world is changed (so’s not the same)

might seem to be quite small, and just a few

but all together they reflect the name,

and honour of creative hesed-love*, 

(which seems to go to animals and plants,

and even more its children shine above

the lot as they serve all, and sing & dance).

Some words can be a special kind of “work”

when they are said with care for truth and folks,

the products of a mind that will not shirk

such effort, which is done^ instead of jokes

at their expense, crash/thrashing round the place;

these listen, look, recall, and think it through, 

then back & forth with questions, in this space

they’re conscious of the presence^ there of you,

creative hesed-love*, that made the world.

These know that words are learned and can be used

as special “cultural pow-er” that’s been hurled

out into this she-bang, at times abused,

or just miss-taken, without thought or care.

It turns out that they can be pow’rful things,

a pow-er that brings good, allows a share

-ing of a task, or other ways to bring

some order: see - its border, - smaller steps,

or else - some bigger ones (that help with speed).

The word can help the act to be adept,

somehow to fit more closely to the need.

*  hesed-love: hesed (or kesed) is the Hebrew word (חֶסֶד) that means the covenantal specific commitment of spouses, parents to children, true friends to each other. Maybe a connection that isn’t money or contract based, it is a determination of altruism from inside each one that can be  reciprocated and then grows, even if one stops for a while, or is sick or weak. It is “fairdinkum”, or “true-blue”, or “ridgeydidge”, 

^ “Listen to this, people of Israel, you that are descended from Judah: You swear by the name of the LORD and claim to worship the God of Israel — but you don't mean a word you say. 2And yet you are proud to say that you are citizens of the holy city and that you depend on Israel's God, whose name is the LORD Almighty.” (Isaiah 48:1-2 GNBUK)

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