
Too th’ truth! 2

(~33 hr. after first one)

Well, thanks for some reprieve that’s come since then.

When old friend phoned & talked of tablets that

could kill the bugs that cause the pain like when

a tooth infection makes all life seems flat.

And then I did recall I saw somewhere

within my pack some of those, found them, and

they were those which could well be used with care,

and started then to take them, as they’re planned

to be used. I might still need Dental care.

But this means I can maybe keep walking.

They haven’t “fixed it” yet, but help was there,

the pain is less, and I’m not left bawking.

I will keep on with tablets as they should

be finished - plus another 6 days else

get dental help. I think that could be good.

I need more tablets, til a dentist helps.

So this is how you helped me out so far.

It doesn’t look so special. Normal life.

Reminder from a friend, then find, and start

some tablets, which have their own kinds of strife.

If that’s your help, I start to see your ways

are so big that I sometimes miss a lot,

for all of life together here displays

your care and help. I thank you that I’ve got

such care of big and little kinds which show 

a dad who’ll use the stuff around about

to help as needed, so that I will grow

from genie-like commanding, less a lout.

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