
Good Evening


(the start of Jewish day 

the scriptures say:

 “There’s evening, there was morning

- Day One’s yawning”, (& Two, Three..)

The eve’ning, after sunset seems by far “most common time

that couples come together and maintain the fam’ly line,

and hang out as a fam-il-y that helps each other out.

From sunset on, there’s still some time to see, and walk about

as couples, or as families, where weakest ones can be

full taken care of, slowed down for, or even just carried.

This starts the mind set on what’s good, by helping to act out

ideas that it knows it could, yet needs to “bring about”

by nothing less than doing them, this is God’s secret plan

for making images of him, he let's woman & man

get full involved, themselves that is, in imaging the God

in ways of grace, and holy space, and choosing to give nod

to someone else’s big i-dea, to help it come to pass,

with pers’nal stamp upon it’s face, from tummy, what a blast!

And strangely, as you give away, your life that others may

experience it’s riches, then you find that you can’t stay

impoverished, you’re richer then than you’d have ever thought.

Your riches have been stored up good, you cannot then be caught,

and lose them to a down-turn in the market, or a thief.

This is a great ol’ comfort, and it sure brings on relief.

And gives a rest to all the rest of night-time. You are blessed

with time to be inside the love of other ones, and jest

when you were thinking you’d be worn out, serving them last night

you find out you are glad to sing in mornings that are bright.

Though tired from the kinder things that can express true love

it helps you smile in kinder ways, less serpent, and more dove.

Yet wisdom (more than serpent) can be growing night time too;

in night watches folk tend to think, & gain insight from you!

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