
friendliness & blessing

(general meaning of) meaningful encounters 

txt2me:Safe travel and meaningful encounters Paul as you resume your walk.

me2txt: Thanks…, and others too who wished similar things...

Trying to BLESS people is a major thing God seems to want to engender within us, for most of our encounters - eh? (Think of his word to Abraham: “And I will bless you…. to be a blessing to all the nations”; or Jesus’ word that “the son of Adam came not to be served, but to serve…” (Mark 10:45) & “I have come.. not to judge (John 12:45-47) …. I came to bring life, in all its fullness”(John 10:9-12)

We thank you blessed, blessing GOD of gods

who loves to give, for giving is your thing;

who loves to live, and lives to love. That's what

seems truly what you are and why you'd bring

this world into existence first of all.

To share your goodness, and raise up some friends,

like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, & Paul,

we are so glad your friendship never ends!

And we would like to spread friendship  around

as we walk through your world today annon,

an’ on, an’ on through time of life; we’re  bound

to be infectious carriers. You’ve gone

through many steps already to make this..

this walking through your world together good,

or very good^, “well pleased”° three folk insist

you saw^, or said from heaven°, & some could

take in, and understand, and be as glad

as you yourself seemed at that time to be.

The “glad God”* some have called you, not too bad

a way to now describe one we can’t see,

but can learn from your tone, and what you say,

and then how often you step in to tweak

relationships, and help us out today

with pantomimes×, as well as what you speak°.

And I am learning from you, in your world,

to nod, or lift a finger as folk pass,

to fly the flag of friendship you’ve unfurled

through Jesus’ not just sitting on his sars.


^ Gen 1:4,10,12,1821,25,31

° Matt 3:17; 17:5; Luke 3:22; Mark 1:11; 1Pet 4:21-14; 2Pet 1:17-18

1Tim 1:11; Eph 1:3 macarioi (blessed) means happy/ glad, & Psalms 72:17-19 

x Matt3:16-17; Mark 1:10, 9:2-9; Luke 3:21-22; John 10:37-38, 12:28-30; 13:12-20; Act 9

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