
the SHIP sails..


I’m learning a new way of life that’s old.

I don't say that it's comf’table and “clean”,

by standards of upbringing we were told

in groups that we were part of - simple memes.

It does though, match with some sayings we’ve learned,

but in a way that’s deeper, more profound:

that one we said last night should not be burned

(unless it's burned into my conscious ground

of being, so I can keep mining gold

from it for all the rest of my short life)…

The saying that I speak of seems to fold

the universe about a fulcrum, rife

with ways to then mis-take it, yet it wins

because it still identifies the most

important, which our culture often “sins”

by just ignoring, thinking it’s a ghost

in the mach-ine-ery that’s base-sickly

seen as all there is. So, that often times

we let our culture influence bleakly,

the things we saw as children, in kids rhymes.

It’s not just what you know; but who you know”.

Now I might add another bit to show:

“It’s not just who you know, but who knows you.”

(And knowing people, grows the more you do 

together, in all kinds of circumstance)

So, what I’m learning is a kind of dance,

to shoot ideas (thoughts that come by “chance”)

to this world’s greatest FRIEND, as a bro-mance.

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