
A brother from another mother...

Yes thank you brother I left your towel and washer and soap in the shower. And left your doona and power extension lead and USB thingo on the bed thanks for your company and help.

God bless that brother there to even be

more blessing to the people round about

& thanks for all the gifts & honesty

you've given him to share, from you, no doubt!


Reconciliation (I)


Oh God, please honour your great name, the one

from whom all fam-il-ies on earth have come.

Who is the father of the orphans and 

knows how to flesh dry bones and make them stand.

The honour of your Christ we want this world,

(well anyone with eyes who tries) to see..

what plainly is impossible when hurled

together just by chance. May people be

enabled with the facts and figures there,

to be baptised, as Jesus was those days

when he took on his people’s failures, shared

our immaturities, our foggy haze.

As he came not to be our judge, but our..

our servant and to give his life to set 

free many slaves of sin, stuck in its power..

as we see that his life is not done yet.

We pray, today (and as you bring to mind)

that breath of this your Christ, might blow again

and that each brother/sister there might find

your grace in eyes of who's their champion.

And rise with him, who raised up Peter’s mum

from fever (sick and weak, could hardly stand),

to be the server of all those who’d come

within her house’s influence. You planned

good things for plain ol’ people round their town

(to give Jesus and friends some energy

to serve them better all that night, folk found

that Jesus’ pow-er could do as he pleased.


Too th’ truth! 2

(~33 hr. after first one)

Well, thanks for some reprieve that’s come since then.

When old friend phoned & talked of tablets that

could kill the bugs that cause the pain like when

a tooth infection makes all life seems flat.

And then I did recall I saw somewhere

within my pack some of those, found them, and

they were those which could well be used with care,

and started then to take them, as they’re planned

to be used. I might still need Dental care.

But this means I can maybe keep walking.

They haven’t “fixed it” yet, but help was there,

the pain is less, and I’m not left bawking.

I will keep on with tablets as they should

be finished - plus another 6 days else

get dental help. I think that could be good.

I need more tablets, til a dentist helps.

So this is how you helped me out so far.

It doesn’t look so special. Normal life.

Reminder from a friend, then find, and start

some tablets, which have their own kinds of strife.

If that’s your help, I start to see your ways

are so big that I sometimes miss a lot,

for all of life together here displays

your care and help. I thank you that I’ve got

such care of big and little kinds which show 

a dad who’ll use the stuff around about

to help as needed, so that I will grow

from genie-like commanding, less a lout.


Too th’ truth!


Well, here I am oh GOD of heaven and earth - 

creative love yourself, I’m walking through

this land of yours, where I have had my birth -

and feel like you want me to care f’rit too.

You are my walking partner on this trip,

in fact you are the senior partner here.

I want to be respectful not to slip 

into a kind of cheeky “Father dear… !”

where you are to me just a genie slave. 

I think that is a rubbish way to be. 

Yet I know I could still do that, behave

in ways that seek my comfort, luxury.

As you said through the prophets to those kings, 

[you're people who were meant to bless the world.

Where your king leads in serving folk, and sings

the praise of all that’s good, and will keep curled

within your hand (holds tight, yet also basks

as much as he is able, but trusts more).]

in trouble they should call on you and ask

sure help from you. Though that was then, before,

I'd like to ask your help with my bad tooth.

It's paining more & I might have to stop.

I know that's not the end, and that in truth

I could go, and return, from dentist’s shop.

And I have seen you bring about much good 

from things that seem all bad and hateful stuff,

so I'm not saying all the things you should

do, but this tooth is sore, and I’m not tough.


We’dNestDay afternoon & after dinner. ..



A man, & too a woman, learning love,

who’re made quite diff’rently - & not the same.

I-de-al candidates if each dain’t shove 

the other round, and play the blaming game.

They’ve tried the building houses, project stuff,

the raising kids - & minimizing drugs, they care for all the animals they’ve loved

and mostly tell the truth, but human hugs

are harder to be had, they give quite well,

with reservations, care-ful-ly in place.

But fear might still make life a living hell

for anyone who hears the news these days.

The show-dog scene, & sometimes horse’s too,

will keep attention on appearances,

and they are certainly quite finely tuned

to animals, and structures, clearances.

I thank them for their food and drink and too,

the thoughtfulness of finding a lost thong.

The honest speech which came to me (from you),

the happy love birds sing their Eden song.

I wonder if they ever feel like those

first two. Did they feel cut off when they left

the outskirts of the paradise they s’posed

they’d never have to lose? Or are they blessed? 

Invisibility is quite a “thing”, 

we often can confer on folk because

they weren’t within our expectation-ing.

I’m glad they opened up, even with flaws.


the SHIP sails..


I’m learning a new way of life that’s old.

I don't say that it's comf’table and “clean”,

by standards of upbringing we were told

in groups that we were part of - simple memes.

It does though, match with some sayings we’ve learned,

but in a way that’s deeper, more profound:

that one we said last night should not be burned

(unless it's burned into my conscious ground

of being, so I can keep mining gold

from it for all the rest of my short life)…

The saying that I speak of seems to fold

the universe about a fulcrum, rife

with ways to then mis-take it, yet it wins

because it still identifies the most

important, which our culture often “sins”

by just ignoring, thinking it’s a ghost

in the mach-ine-ery that’s base-sickly

seen as all there is. So, that often times

we let our culture influence bleakly,

the things we saw as children, in kids rhymes.

It’s not just what you know; but who you know”.

Now I might add another bit to show:

“It’s not just who you know, but who knows you.”

(And knowing people, grows the more you do 

together, in all kinds of circumstance)

So, what I’m learning is a kind of dance,

to shoot ideas (thoughts that come by “chance”)

to this world’s greatest FRIEND, as a bro-mance.


The P i l g r i m ROAD-WORK (after him)..


A lovely thing’s to be a child agāīn, 

some road-work: singing, learning, speaking loud

old poetry and rhythmic stuff sustains

a spirit and a sense of humour proud.

And if it’s tuned to purposes that last,

and they’re more lively inside this old skin,

I'm in no hurry now to get there fast,

I need good seed, gone deep, & growing in

this garden plot which moves around -  that’s me;

of soil, with weeds pulled out & good compost

mixed in (& not washed off). So now I  see 

a benefit in grieving for what’s lost.

That’s if it’s not all trumped up, just for show,

and if it’s not allowed to be the boss,

but has a place that’s shared with one who’ll know

the grief of good hopes, plans, that have been crossed 

out, and discarded, left for dead, all gone!

Yet knows the secret of what “never fails”

for it creates all worlds, it's light has shone

before the sun whose energy avails

for living, moving things upon this earth.

This “torch”, we humans were to carry on

to all creation, so as to give birth

to further points of light, though not as strong.

Both spinning, shining, energized by more 

than anything that’s else within our world.

A little child, amazed, can stand in awe

then throw itself to parent's arms, be hurled.

And that’s what I would do, as child again,

don’t try to run off “on my own” at all,

but often lift my heart & mind as friend,

as left & right brain hemispheres recall

each other, with perspectives not the same,

but necessary for a teamed up way

of making sense, and living out this “game”

of life on earth, and learning what to say

and how to act, each is a serving king

or queen, and they will rule as parents do,

out of committed love in ev’rything,

creative, and hard work they won't eschew!


way for more


To look and listen means that I might see

and understand the world here where I live.

I wonder if the fact that I could be 

so disciplined, as to engage and give

attentions of those kinds, (as babies do

around the world, and prob’ly right through time)

might mean that I could learn like they do too?

It’s happening in me. It is sublime.

A thing I see in babes is they persist,

They often don’t give up when things don’t work.

They stand in awe, they copy, they enlist,

apprentice selves to learn, and not to shirk

what effort might be needed in their choice

to learn to roll, to smile, to speak, to sit, 

to clap, to crawl, to modulate their voice,

to wink, to be polite, to walk, to kick..

Some categories above encompass much;

like “speak” comes with a language to be learned.

You know there’s much much more they learn as such.

They look and then in awe they do not spearn

the task of doing what’s impossible.

For those who tower over them and pour

on them attention quite irrasible,

(but hesed-love* in nature, nothing more

nor less, & is reflected back by child)

is what gives pow-er (sometimes to be  mild),

explosions as their awes impell them wild.

Creative-hesed-love* saw this and smiled.


hesed: an old Hebrew word for the kind of commitment that is strongest of human connections, (life-long spouses, parents/children, childhood friends sworn to friendship) much stronger than a contract that might be broken, it depends on the WORD of someone to be kept, and for it to retain its force it needs at least some owning and thus reflecting back by any primary beneficiary, until the relationship might grow to its unique maturity.

These two quotes from the Bible (are quite surprising to me):

“People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’ And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.” (Mark 10:13-16)

“God ‘will repay each person according to what they have done.’ To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honour and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.” (Romans 2:6-8)


first blessing for a fellow journey-er.


Oh, may the road rise up to meet your feet -

-  do half the work, join in along with you.

And may the people that you meet & greet 

have your demeanor when they see you too.

And may companions whom you travel with

be such that their own goals and aims combine

to make up quite a team, both kin & kith,

where kith are like they’re in your fam’ly line.

And may you learn to listen and to look

as on you go, so that you’ve got a chance

to get to other ends of roads you took,

though maybe with a little jog & dance. 

And learn to hear the country, what it tells,

the people with their stories, let them live

in your own heart, with colours and the smells

and may creative-hesed-friendship give

you ev’rything you need to carry on

the plot of goodness that’s been laid till now,

and take it farther, building well upon

what found-a-tions are good & strong somehow.

So grateful for what goodness comes to you,

may you too learn to offer thanks to who

has joined in on it’s manifesting to

all earth (& heavens) in that great big view.

And may you learn to ask for help from those 

who could give it, if they were so disposed,

and put to words their work & what they chose 

to do, and then inform how it all goes!