
intimacy - 7

(for a meaning-making, word-studying, male, geek - from the end of the 20th Century)

It seems to me that intim-a-cy is 

a funny thing, for it has diff'rent parts*:

one part is special, sep'rate from the biz-

nus of the normal stuff of life. It starts

to seem distinct and private from the flow

of gen'ral stuff revealed to ev'ry one.

A bit like salt to flavour life below,

it also has a smell, that has begun

to infiltrate the rest of life, to bring

it all to higher levels of delight.

For all of life's a tender, kinder thing,

an afterglow, or foreplay - It's more bright,

when intimacy of that private kind

is given space, allowing it to live.

But when they're both allowed to intertwine

there are more chances for each one to give,

contribute in a combinat'ry way,

where each side of the coin adds to the whole. 

The gen'ral kind of intim-a-cy plays

a part in building honesty (that's gold),

and openness (that feeds back to the part

that's private - just between the two - not all).

And that feeds back to all of life - an art,

creative love does more, and will not fall.

Oh how encouraging to now recall

this forward way that beckons us to "come 

& see", to share our lives (with wins and falls),

so in this way our spirits don't grow numb.

* a bit like humanity generally has two parts that metaphorically (& literally) make a whole. Biologically Male, & Female. True, they only objectively cover 99.999% of people, but that is actually a very good category, if it holds that much validity. Better, in fact, than most of our categories.

Or to put it another way, in my world-view (& in my view as derived from the experiences of this individual, small, life), Sex has two aspects to it: The sexual act, an encounter that heightens intimacy, and brings it to a point (that wasn't there before). And that becomes a metaphor for the other aspect, the act of being a sexual creature that represents (in its mind-gender, that it carries about through all of life) one side of humanity to the other (females to males, or males to females), and even helps build and solidify broad real categories of mind-gender - male-ness and female-ness, among its own ranks (i.e. females with females, & males with males).

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