
the mechanic?

 Txt to me: How was the mechanicing ?

Set up, with plugs, leads, batt'ry, water, oil,..

When key from pocket's in ignition and

is turned, I think I'll know whether it's spoiled, 

and then Replace, or Keep, what's there at hand.

Mechanicing has got me to this spot.

The call for dinner came last night before 

I got to turn the key. I'd like a lot

to just run down and do it now, well more 

or less, i'd have to dress and get that key.

I'm hoping to, some time today, but first

I have to check how things go inside me.

I'm on a training program. Best, & Worst...

Its stakes are higher, this whole self's in deep.

Mechanicing is needed. God, help me!

God helped me with that car. So I won't sleep!

I'll ask for help with self. And then, "We'll see."

This opp-or-tune-it-y is here right now,

to learn to love, from one who is just that.

Or else turn to technology somehow

(the stuff we make), to help me grow. I sat

here for a while, unsure; now I see more.

Don't want to learn to be mechanical,

I want to grow to be what he fore-saw,

I'll go to who is not tyranical,

the God who is the source of not just just-

-ice, but also of mercy, born from love,

which trumps the other tricks, of course it must!

For all that's good has come from it above.

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