
.. the blessing that our ..sons & daughters.. (this includes the ones our biological children grabbed by the hand and brought into our family) are 

 thoughts on Psalm 127:

A gift from the Creative Love that keeps

on going, is the children we receive.

A chance to share God's viewpoint, if just peeps

into the tapestry our choices weave.

The blessing & the gift to us is real.

We're richer than a Billionaire I know.

And this is just the start of what's the deal,

we all get brand new bodies. What's the go?

We'll only have a snooze, then get to share

the heavens and New Earth, with all that's good.

So maybe we'll have dinosaurs in there?

And teleport through walls, or know we could.

So when we bring our kids into this womb-

world now, with all the people who are  here.

It's easy to forget that very soon 

when Jesus rules, we'll have all who would fear

God, and obey his word to each of us.

And maybe we won't  even need food then,

but could still eat what's given without fuss,

and maybe toilets won't be needed when

we're in those bodies, indestructible,

like his, who is the last Adam as well,

and we're the fam'ly tree that really will

grow in the soil of love, and shrink all hell.

If children are a gift from the Lord, why

our children's children are more-so than that!

And real blessings can wear you out. Don't try

to do it on your own, the sharing's glad!

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