

by list'ning, thinking, and learning to tell..
To master storying - of Master's life,
some which the Master has told us himself…
we'll listen, look, and think, recall in strife,
& learn to tell 'em well… This is our wealth!

Our Master's wealth, much MORE than Job, of old -
a righteous man (on God's side), cops it bad.
Our gold ain't dead, for it's alive. When told
it's then infective, when it’s life is ad-

ded TO this world; it then brings on the next,
while WE jump in- (with our whole lives) -to it,
& let the story live in us, it's text
is told as list'ning, we respond/ do it!

This doing and responding as our JOB
would speak in honest open heart-felt cries
and tell it as it is - this does not rob (or) will then en- robe
the deeper truth. But he will not tell lies -

that's even if they seem quite doctrinaire -
to keep the status quo with different ones.
His living is the story, and he dares
to speak unpleasant truth, and love's begun.

Beginning, then it still continues on,
through Middle, to the End, each story does,
& characters in settings come upon
some difficulties, or things are afuzz ..

And living out such stories, telling too,
while we're down here before all is renewed,
is just the thing that we are meant to do,
while persevering...(t.b.c.)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, to enter into this story,I think requires us to be involved, not in part, but fully. Sometimes, it seems a chore, but, only slightly as, the journey goes on, it might be easy, and, I don't think I'd be wrong, to say that the bag is still on my back. Sorry, Lord God, for the times that I lose track.


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