
"The Messiah must suffer before he'd enter his glory"; "If we suffer with him, we will also reign with him"


Oh God, you know this son of yours who is

in pain, discomfort, with some suffering.

We know you aren't constrained by things that bus-

-y us with busi-ness, and you're buffering,

and helping us to bear our crosses too.

You won't leave us alone, though it may feel

that way, as Jesus said in prayer to you.

God's promise was, and is, still very real:

"For never will I leave, or forsake you!"

We hear our Lord repeating that to us,

and know he'd rather us be open to

our God, while learning truth and love, in trust!

Well, Marty, these ol' bodies will be quite

transformed, it says in scripture, to be like

his resurrection one that's at the height

of heavenly dimensions, at God's right-

hand, and before that, took him where God planned,

to back up love's creative thoughts to be

his sibblings' bigger brother so they'd "man"

the spot to help the weaker ones to see..

the thread of how Messiah suffered much

before he'd take God's glory on, to show

the love of one whose heart was still in touch,

whose spirit was to love, each he would know.

And Sandy, your life's partner, is there to

extend the Father's love and care for you.

God, help your daughter, suffering in lieu

of, and along with Marty, not eschew..

your comfort and your help to help her man,

in vul-n'ra-bil-it-y and pain as well.

We pray thet both of them will grow again

in patient thoughtfulness, and not the hell-

ish wisdom from below, that hopes to hold,

to grasp and not let go of what is good.

We want to give our good things to you bold-

ly trusting our creator, as he would!

For he, himself, is life, and health and strength

for us his little children. He's our Dad.

We will grow up to be like him at length,

unless we give up. He will* make us glad!

*  "My peace I give to you.."; "I have told you this, so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full!";  "The world must learn that I love the Father, and that is why I do all that he has commanded me.";  " If you love me, you will do what I have commanded you".. (the euangelion of Jesus Christ, - according to John)

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