
ways forward...

The way of operating of some folk

is climbing up the ladder so that they

can be above the others, have a joke

at their expense - and then the others pay!

And then the others are looked down upon.

It doesn’t seem so bad, because you have

to do that just because you are who's won

the vantage point, and now you are above.

That way of opperating with those ends,

is just too weak and small to take in love,

for love's another Way itself - it tends

to step down more, it woos, and will not shove

the others out the way, to get in first.

When it is first, it lifts the others up.

It's at the front when things are at their worst,

to take the batt-er-ing when things erupt.

The greatest of commands that God gave us,

displayed itself by all the Ten combined,

the one that "married" (without extra fuss)

& stays with number two; and far from blind,

it sees all in 3D (because of that).

It won't be separated from it's mate.

And won't be sterilized, it does the act

of love, from love it has, it won't use faked

pretend love, it would stop, and fix up it's..

its motives if the best ones weren't portrayed.

As Irene said, the greatest of sins sits

where greatest of commands are not obeyed.

Prov 21:4 (paraphrased): What naturally flows from the mindset and life choices of wicked people becoming both their potential end and their means of getting there, are rolls of the eyes & looks that appear haughty, because the people's hearts are in fact proud, both of which are the kind of thing that actually make them sinners (not any quick fix rules about how often you go to the meeting place etc).

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