
Star Wars

Part 1

Oh God I hadn't thought like that before:

I knew that most folk didn't seem cre-a-

tive, & to that effect, they use words more

or less like that themselves, when they would say:

"Live life!" I knew that growing up, since birth,

the Love of God and Man, existed and,

I saw it here at times, upon this Earth.

Ya'd think this was the thing on which we'd stand!

The main incontrovertible thing which

we'd live or die for - or pick up a straw.

While immature, and small, I caught the itch

to stand upon tradition. And what's more..

to do what takes the least in energy

(that sparse and rare commodity on Earth.

I've heard, and think, this brain, believe you me, 

is programed so to work like that - from birth.

I'm not so sure that's true, coz I've seen kids.

But other things aside, I feel the pull

of living life this way. I've hit the skids

myself, they even sometimes call me 'Pull".)

Pull Walker. That's the way. But there is yet,

another pull, not irresistable,

but one I don't want, really, to eject.

The pull of love, in truth, it makes me full...

and comes, like food, with energy to boot.

They say that all the foods of this world are

divine love here made edible, like fruit.

In that way, love will energize a star.

Part 1.5

Given that prayer is the invocing of the most creative being, above, throughout, within, and under the Earth, the feeling of the boringness of prayer is an indication (to me, as to the servants of the Landowner/King whose crop had tiers of tares grow up within it) that "an enemy has done this!" 

Part 2

Why would Jesus say when we pray, not to babble on, like the pagans (could it be, that we would be like children who are learning to talk, who try to learn from other babbling children who have no parents to teach them). Also, since prayer may in fact be an invocing of this most creative being, what sort of gift might our prayers be to this being? How might such a God feel about our prayers? Listen, say, to the Jewish prophets before Jesus.. Might he not be utterly bored? What other (more unrespectable emotions - for a creative person) do the prophets attribute to this God?

Part 3

If prayer is in fact an invoking of such a being, expect very creative (thus very effective, powerful) options to come from such an invocation.

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