
first things first...

Wow I can start to see now something strange.
Well strange to my old way of seeing life,
inherited as culture has arranged,
it's not all evil, but some ways are rife

with error, and sometimes from ignorance,
at other times from ethnocentric ways,
and other times my ego's ways per-chance
could not be bothered, it would rather laze.

Then talk of motives, matters of the heart,
can even be pro-cras-tin-a-tion's way
of sidetracking and stopping what could start
off habits new, in what to  do, think, say!

That's not to say that motives, treasures, hearts,
are unimportant, for Christ often dwells
on them, with faith, hope, love. But some-thing starts
to let us see their outline, they themselves

invisible like wind, magnetic force,
or even friendship, kindness, being blue,
and other things like hatred too of course,
are only really known by what folk “do”!

And in that way, as we begin to know
(’n to be known as well), by actions that
allow folk to infer (from what is shown)
the presence of sun's "shade”, because of “hat”.

'coz, like that shade, it can't always be seen, because the hat is close, or covers it,
in manufacturing the shade, it's been
the handle, cause and source. Hat is “culprit”!

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