
On the WAY...

On the WAY visiting Penny Barringham’s body, before/as/after the ventilator stopped!

And Penny if you're right about that man,
that one who came to earth as we have come,
for a short visit, seemed it was unplanned -
& “accidents do happen, don't be glum…” ...

so, while I'm flying in this plane right now,
I re-a-lise that I might still “beat you”,
in putting off this body, so somehow
I can't be too sad yet, that you've won through

the finish line (I say this with some jest -
for this race is endurance, not so much
competing, it’s more doin’ “pers’nal best”,
for ev’ry member’s “incomplete”, as such…

we're more like embryos - yet to be born),
so “finishing”, though true enough to say,
does not catch the full story when we've gone
from here, into whatever comes our way -

before we're given body number three
(our first one lived within a watery world,
and breathed and ate and drank through our belly-
& all through umbilical chord, I'm told!).

So if that story (you bet your life on)
about that bloke (who did the same it seems,
and bet his life that God’s love was more strong
than any other pow-er, ends or means) ...

well if it’s true that God raised him to be
a “grown up” just like “Abba” (God of gods),
I’ll trust him to raise you, and to raise me,
and bet my life, like you, against all odds!

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