
psalm reflecting on James 1

But every good endowment that we might,
and each complete gift that we’ve now received,
must come from up above - Father of  lights,
with whom no inconsistency’s achieved.

This is the Mother of all lights that shine,
& Father, in the best sense of the word,
the source of love and goodness that you’ll find
no slightest variation/ shadow stirred!

It’s not by others’ wishes we've become
his own sons, but by his own sperm of truth
that we might be his children who can run
his new creation - when we're grown to youth!

In view of what he’s making us, dear bro.,
let every man be quick to listen (to
take in words from God, that help us know
the truth, and show his love in what we do)

but slow to use his tongue, and lose his cool.
For man’s quick temper never is the means
to bring about God’s true goodness, a fool
well, on the other hand can “spill the beans” -

and bring those hellish giants to our realm,
to get the goose that lays the golden egg,
for we ourselves, when we stand at the helm,
and live as Captain, we will never beg!

Have done, then, with impurity, and own
the evil which came from us, left us cold;
and let in deep, this word that God has sown
in our own hearts, and which can save our souls.

So don’t just hear the message (that’s a waste!)
but put it into practice; otherwise
you just delude yourself. The man in haste
who simply hears, but then does not disguise

this truth within his life, so it can grow
and make a garden plot that’s more than dirt,
is like a man who doesn't really know
there’s blood over his face, and he's been hurt.

He thinks to just keep on - about his life,
He sees himself, the bits that he can see,
if he ain't got a mirror (or a wife)
to help him out … but you know that story!

There’s secret stuff in Psalm One, for someone
who meditates, reflects on God’s own word;
alternatively, someone who has fun
just mouthing off to others, like a turd

is full of stuff that's not much good, and might
not be the sharpest stool that has been shed.
What’s pure and genuine in God’s own sight
is following Christ’s life until we're dead.

Have you read the book in the Bible by the name of James?

It has been a breath of fresh air to me for many years.

For a while at Uni I decided, when I got to James 1:19-27, that I wouldn't keep reading on (in my quiet times with God) till I was actually doing this in my life, so ev'ry day I read and thought about it (& memorized it, to help get it into me, and me into it), and prayed about it, and assessed how I was going with it etc... until I saw me growing, obeying, learning to put it into my life. I think I learned it in J.B.Phillips, read and compared it with NIV, GoodNews, & other translations, and stumbled through it in Greek. I was stuck on that for about 3 months. One of the best things I ever did. I reckon you'd benefit from it too.

Reading in a number of translations like these, has been a great way to start to "get it" & take it in for me (& if you want to read it easier on a small screen, you can click on the link, then delete the translations you don't want to read that time. But when you click back on that link, you'll get 'em all back again).

Rats, that link didn't work properly on my phone (unless you open it in your browser, & set it to "display as a Desktop"). This one might work better for Greek and JBPhillips:

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