
O.M.G. 2

"O.M.G!" he called out loud,
not because he was so proud
but in truth he spoke each word
to the one who always heard

"Why have you forsaken me?"
Yet God had promised that HE
would never forsake/ disdain
(in the book that bore his name)

Iesous, so he was to lead
boldly and con-fid-ent-ly.
Thus he asked the one he knew
would be there beside him, to

be his help, to help him see
(& he modelled clear for me),
that the greatest help he had
was the one he called his Dad

("Abba" was the word he used).
So when we are quite confused,
he taught us who to go to
even when our problems loom

most of all from Perception
(or else Interpretation),
in both these we need our God
(who does more than wink & nod

for he was "in Christ", in truth,
suffering his quite uncouth
abandonment/ ignorance)
Makes me want to sing and dance!

Amazing god. A-maze-ing!
Grace & Truth he comes to bring.
Strangely it is God who grieves
first in scriptures, his heart heaves.

And if we will follow Christ,
he's the one who sacrificed
his pleasure and comfort for
us who run from pain and raw

suffering, to have OUR SAY,
POWER - to have things our own way.
But he wouldn't speak except
it came from God, so he wept

for God's people (like his Dad
had grieved, which is icle-Rad!)
And we find the "Morning Star"
"The Sun of Righteousness", far

from just a shining chappy
who's always peaceful, happy,
is seen a "man of sorrows",
and blesses the tomorrows

of those who star at mourning
(recall his brother's warning
to all who are happy now;
learn to grieve and mourn somehow)

So he takes on sicknesses,
feels with that widowed missus,
when he's raised to God's right side
that was after he had died.

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