
& the light shone down...

The light of understanding, knowing who

is round about, and able to disclose 

their will, & choices through their life, and do

things that contribute to more things like those.

A character that holds the choices in

such constellations that some spirit is

embodied or disclosed, revealed, to win

the friendships that grow with choices like this.

So friendships end up being special kinds

of those connections wills can have between

themselves, alliances that aren't just blind,

when positive regard connects to mean

another growth in depth, & height, & breadth

of this connecting spirit stuff that "lives"

but only in a critter not yet dead

that's able still to choose; it takes or gives.

And I am here, a foetal god, it seems.

I can make some small choices still these days.

But love is more like something in my dreams;

I'd love to love, to learn to live love's ways.

Oh God, your outward giving, positive

regard has shown mine up, it's small and weak!

Unless you plant it, so that it will live

within me, I've got "nothing", so to speak.

Without you I am lost - at growing love.

Unless you'll be a gardener again,

I can't go on (without help from above),

but with you, I will grow to be a man!

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