
Tuning in after years...

Msg2me: I'm fine.  I nursed my husband through 12 months of brain cancer, and he went to be with his Lord on 17th December last year.  I am very lonely, and my daughter,..., has asked me to go to live with her and her daughter, …, in Sydney.  We are looking for a suitable house and I hope to go soon.  I will sell my house here, when I eventually get it sorted. .. So nice to hear from you.


Much sadness, in the midst of goodness and 

of joy in knowing how another fares.

Not simple quite, unless also profound!

God's blessing on you sister, unawares.

Oh God, the source of life, and love & joy,

through suffering can grow obedience too;

we learn that much from looking at your boy.

Your daughter, and her daughter(s); help them soon

to be a-ble to keep your com-pan-y

together, so to spur each other on

to love in fact, as shown out by each deed;

to help each other learn your diff'rent song.

To sit together at the feet down here

of you, their father, Jesus Christ their Lord,

and any others you might send to cheer,

that they might serve together and afford 

the time of life to know your help, & grow

and tune in as your daughters to your love.

I think of whom you called your daughter, so

then freed her from her suffering (above

and first, before ol' Jairus' young girl,

and he must learn to trust against the doom,

that death appears to put upon this world);

but her faith saved her, as she trusted whom

she did, in stepping out, against the tide,

of her religion, and her culture too.

Good on her, and good on you. Stay, abide,

within your Father's love, who makes things new.

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