
Moving right along

Well thank you God for taking us on this..
this journey to grow up to be like you.
To motivate our actions like Jesus,
from love of you first, then to others too.

We sometimes do that "Jacob trick"* to try
to force your hand, where you would gladly give.
Instead of breaking our hand off, you cry,
and model for us your alternative.

Not focusing on pow-er & co-er-
sion, but on choosing to respond "in kind",
in kindness, grace, new Isra'-el° inferred
from bless'ed God's good rain, and sun that shined

on good and evil both, he just "is love."
And like a sun is pow'r'd by elements
and yet is building more, and is above
us, as the source of energy that's spent

on Earth, to birth all biological
life, and maintain it. Light's a metaphor.
And God is light, yet heavy, logical,
and passionate, source of all "goods" for sure.

And knowing such, we trust we'll be put right
to then receive new bodies that endure.
And speaking via wind, and waves, & light,
it looks like we'll be able to ensure

that we ourselves, and others looking on
will then be able to live more in line
with your own creativity, wisdom,
& love, and peace, and joy, right all the time.

*Jacob's way of sneaky manipulation, is at least like love in one way - that love is sneaky (as wise as a serpent); it's sneakyness is not used to trap, or force or coerce, but to give the other ev'ry chance to be enfolded in grace and love (as harmless as a dove).

° Israel is the new name God gives Jacob, after he has at least held on to the end, and will limpingly persue this sneaky abundant giving, instead of tricking, stretching, & kniving. And Yeshua is God's gift of a new Israel to humanity. The starting progenitor of a new nation, or people, of God.
(cf. I have come to give living abundantly, or the Lord Jesus's statement that impressed Paul as archetypally significant: It is more blessed to give than to receive.)

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