
birthday more as metaphor

ToPW: Bro, happy birthday. Sorry, I won't make it to your party today. It sounded like a lot of fun in the text. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun. Peace and wisdom to you …

FromPW: I'll be missing you bro. Have a great day.... & ... Remember whose you are? (You don't own yourself even.... You have been bought at a price... The lifeblood of the anointed one)

Well I'll be missing you at party time.
But have yourself a great day all the same. 
"Remember whose you are?!?" - and aren't. Let shine!
Who knew you way before you had a name.

And they'll be there when you come out and stuff,
and when you're named by love and truth themselves,
when you receive a body that's more tough,
for tougher jobs, in tougher world, with health.

As those Ambassadors of that new world
said many years ago: You have been bought!
No longer owned by Self, or Satan curled 
around you making sure your world is fraught

with things that catch the addict part of you,
with habits that ensnare and won't let go,
the empty way of life that's all you knew,
like Ghost nets that float by & bind you so.

I reckon this whole world's a metaphor,
or metaphorical to those who get
how metaphor works to help us see more.
Each metaphor's a  signpost, which as yet

as well as being on its own in space,
then does connect, by pointing elsewhere to
an other thing that "is", in other place,
which (if it's at the same time) can help you

to understand your placement here with friends
(& enemies, if such are with you too)
within the larger picture, means or ends,
according to the purpose that made you!

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