
Leadership in God's Kingdom..

I had a sniffle here in God's good world,
and felt the doom of yet another cold.
But watching "Tolkien"*, on this plane here curled,
the doom has melted^, and I can be bold.

How did that work? I do not know. It seems...
if magic were-king serving God's own bā-
bies, this king works more than all of our dreams:
allowing, letting, then sustaining, mā-

king, not in our style - to force a heart.
This maker now creates more chances for
all others to join in and play a part.
But he will work behind the scenes, not bored,

a-thin-king that seems weird to ou-r ways.
He wants to back the choices of his kids.
Who leads in love will not manipulate,
so now he is invisible, or hid.

Since he is mā-king ecosystems in
great galaxies in universes too,
yet didn't stop that couple bringing "sin"
into his fam'ly garden, but he'd do

things like what he then did: made bound-ar-ies,
and helped them cover up, with leather - skin 
of beast he made to join his eco-sys-
tem, but his own priorities come in

to play, for his own children are his love
and glory, when they choose to bear his name
and choose to use his wisdom from above,
they give him joy instead of grief and blame.

*  A beautiful movie rendition of the life of Tolkien (the writer of The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings), directed by Dome Karukoski, starring Nicholas Hoult and Lily Collins, distributed by 20th Century Fox.

^ Was it that the movie had me tearing up, which helped clear sinuses? Was it the endorphins that come from a good story? Was it just that my immune system was kicking in, and some gamma globulins were targeting the infection? Was it something in the Korean food on Korean Airlines that helped me fight it? God knows. And it reminded me that this life is not the final story (a couple of those close to Tolkien die too). In all these possible ways (& others) he's set up things to aid and abbett me in handling this small life well. So I will work along with him in just that!

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