
Presence of Mine!

Once upon a time there was a dad (& a mum) who had twins. The twins looked quite similar but were in fact quite different. One of them was a boy who loved puppies & pets, the other  one was a girl who loved flowers and plants. One day, when they were about 20 months old, after they'd been playing in the garden, they both came to their dad saying: “Daddy, I've got a present for you; shut your eyes..” One of them added “..and open your mouth.” Luckily their dad had learnt that that was not always a safe thing to do, so he said “No, you put my present on my hand, here.” Then the dad put out his two hands, one towards each of his children. They gleefully put their treasures onto their dad's hand. With one present, the Dad said “Thanks very much!” & popped it into his mouth. With the present in his other hand, the dad looked at it, gave it back to the boy and said “No thanks.” Then he said to his son who gave it to him, “I want you to put that into the bin.”

How do you imagine each child felt after their father's response?

Can you guess what each child had given the father? (Hint: one gift came from a plant, one gift came from a puppy)

If the boy (whose gift was rejected, still) really did want to give a present to his father that his father would like, what could he now do?

Some slightly related stuff (check out the links in the footnotes): https://appallinglife.blogspot.com/2019/02/1st-job-or-2nd.html

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