
1st job or 2nd...

First “job” today, well Second one really -
to clean up the “home” that we're living in
(owned by my Father) “temp’rary” nearly,
'coz he's building a palace. Giving in

to his own generosity's calling -
to share his life with children whom he loves,
the ends that he'll go to, are appalling!
A toddler or small child looks up - above

in wonder and awe not at “magical”
but “loving” nature of Mum, and her Dude..
The cynic may see this as tragical.
The child will accept all with gratitude.

Well that's the First “job” - look up and give thanks;
except it's not so much “job”, as “delight”.
A corpse that's lying ’round the place, & stank
(so much you couldn't sleep, but heave all  night)

must just be “cleaned up”; more I mean “thrown out!”
This un-dead thing as well as lies, k’nives
to murder folk both good and true, to flout
all logic & good reason, - “They have ‘lives’,

and they look better than I do, it's true.”
Unless my solemn cov-en-ant’s lived out
no one could live near me, not 'specially you,
because this jealous murderer's about!

Oh, God! The “son of Adam*”: Cain, or Christ,
will be my father to teach me his way!
The choice that I have made is sacrifice
to please ol' Adam's father# here today!

*   “son of Adam” was a title used to mean  “son of humanity”, or simply “human”, throughout the story in the scriptures after the garden of Eden. In one instance, in a dream Daniel had, there was one who “looked like a son of Adam” who fulfilled the destiny of humanity given in Genesis 1 of ruling over everything under God. Jesus took this title on and applied it (ambiguously?) to himself. But literally the first son of Adam in the scriptural record,  was a human male called “Cain”(Gen4:1-10, 24-25), who (since God accepted his brother's sacrifice/gift (at an alter?) and not his, instead of learning from the event what was an acceptable gift to God, and giving that,) was filled with jealously, and killed his brother, becoming the first murderer. Christ, on the other hand showed his followers how to allow God's life to spread more to others through the paradoxical method of “taking up their own cross - an instrument of slow, painful, shameful, certain death”, and following the alternative way of life of Jesus, God's anointed (Christ).

#  Adam's “father”, according to the scriptural record's nuances and, then finally for those who could hear it, explicit descriptions, was … ( hint: to be made “in the image and likeness of ...” is a kind of code way of saying “the offspring of ...”, or “the son or daughter of ...”) see Gen 1:26-28; 5:2-5; Ps 82:6; Luke 3:38; John 10:34-35; Acts 17:28-29 .

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