
not Blame, but Game !

Oh God give wisdom that discerns your ways
and methods forward, for our time and place,
and culture, to see good that then displays
your loving, patient, kindness that creates

and broods on options to communicate
somehow the love, that will appreciate
and understand at length, if not quite straight
away, that in God’s time they will relate,

so folk will know God, not as “doctrinaire”,
but as a father who looks out and stares
for signs of that repentance, that repairs,
and makes his way from home, that has no cares

about what others think, that has no pride.
But open to each other one, will ride
or run out to returning sons, and bide
his time till then. He’s crazy, I'll confide.

That prodigal ol’ father who valued
much more than all his stuff, his youngest dude,
and wished his oldest wouldn't be a prude
but would one day, get party attitude!

Oh God, you're always leading us to more
adventure that we hardly can ignore
(because your DNA in us gets bored?)
to love more than our suffering, before

we even see how that will be relieved.
Oh God my heart’s too cold to be believed,
please make that job you started off “Achieved !”:
a heart of love like yours that isn't peeved.

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