
interrupt, or interpret-up?

My wife just told me that tonight I was...
[& (though not fully) I slightly became
aware of]  interrupting you two bods
tonight a fair bit. That verse, yes the same

one quoted by me through the night about
small brothers of James being “quick” and “slow”;
that’s quick to listen, slow to speak like louts,
& slow to anger, I would like to know

in my ex-per-i-ence, not just my head.
I'm sorry for my actions, unlike him
who modelled all the words that James there said:
his other brother - I would be his kin.

I didn’t represent him well to you.
So please forgive me (and pray for me too).
- And by God's grace, with Spirit's help I'll do
what he suggests to now replace my few

ol' earthly wisdom's habits of mind and
it’s practices. Feel free to help me with
what wisdom comes to your mind, understand
-ing that comes to who are his kin and kith.

That I might be (your vision God, I see),
as he your son, was even when abrupt:
"interpret up" for people when they/ we
would benefit, instead of "interupt".

That's as a gen'ral rule (this ain't for fools),
but rules are just for games, within your field,
where love could get a card, and break the rules,
but just as likely smile, and pray, and yield.

After a night of planning and preparing a report with some friends on a team with us.

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