

Well, faith in someone (who's truatworthy) is
a way of making hopes to become real,
and sometimes, if we're not the greatest whiz,
I think it’s the foumdation, and the seal,

that means they are delivered in the end.
If good friends know you're hoping for something,
it can be the whole reason that they send
the thing to you, your faith in them can bring

it on, because they know you know them well,
and will continue trusting in their  best,
and such a faithful friendship lives to tell
and bring creative things to life, and rests

in what it is, and what can THEN be done.
Depending on the person who’s your friend,
and how faithful they are, and how much fun
they like to have … will bring a certain end.

If God's the friend, and his spirit is poured
on top of us from heaven onto earth,
(like happened to Christ Jesus, who”s our Lord)
the desert places of our hearts “rebirth”,

and then become the fertile places whence
real righteousness emerges & brings peace,
enduring quietness marries confidence,
and justice kisses mercy in the least

suspecting places.; and though storms still rake,
we’re blessed; and rest secure & undisturbed;
we sow seed to produce fruit for the sake
of God and goodness, much more unperturbed!

Faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen.  Hebrews 11:1 (PM Version)

'When the Spirit is poured on us from on high, the deserted places of our hearts become fertile & justice meets us in the least suspecting places. Righteousness emerges & brings peace; an enduring quietness and confidence. Though the storms still come, we are blessed; we remain secure & rest undisturbed; and we sow seed to produce fruit for His sake regardless, for the prosperity of all...' Isaiah 32:15‭-‬20 (CR Version)

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