
When what you see and feel varies from what you know..

So thank you God that as I set  myself
to do things "good", to live with faith and love,
to let your hope pervade my life and health,
you let me see and feel the battle's shove.

Instead of thus negating previous choice,
this seems to me my chance to share with Christ,
within this world, to hear a different voice,
that often swims against what's "feeling nice".

I guess there is both Truth, & Appearance.
Two things that sometimes look to be the same,
but Aren't, so there's sometimes interference
unless I make distinctions (give a name).

And yet each thing should not just cease to be
(for now at least, while "we" are us on Earth)
we have such wierd irregularity
that has been with us all the way since birth

between Appearance, and this other world 
of Knowing (even when our knowing's right).
Perspective & too Parallax hold curled
a hundred of these strangenesses of sight,

that are (untill we know a deeper truth)
at var-iance with those other things we've known.
The trick is to acknowledge both, be cooth,
and let their very differences be shown,

and welcomed as a spice of life here with
a welcome that we give to all our friends,
for we are learning patient-ness with kith
& kin, & God, till we see where this ends*.

* Capitulate!-Begin!-Fight!-Suffer!-Win!-Capitulate!-Begin!...(a new order)  cf Gen 32:22-32; 35:3; Ex 14:14

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